Freestyle #05 / Ft. CLSTYKO

in Music2 years ago

Hola amigos de

Hello friends of

Hoy es un dia genial, la verdad que estoy muy feliz por seguir improvisando canciones, esto es un don que nos han regalo y me gusta mucho ejecutarlo, esta cancion es un tema Romantico tipo reggae tocado con un Cuatro Venezolano junto a mi bro, #CLSTYKO , como se viene haciendo siempre, es una cancion improvisada al momento de la grabacion, es una cancion original hecha para ustedes con todo el corazon.

Today is a great day, the truth is that I am very happy to continue improvising songs, this is a gift that they have given us and I really like to play it, this song is a romantic reggae-type song played with a Venezuelan Cuatro with my brother, #CLSTYKO , as it has always been done, it is an improvised song at the time of recording, it is an original song made for you with all my heart.

Chester Flg - Freestyle #05 / Ft. CLSTYKO

Quiero agradecerles de antemano por visitar mi publicación y por su apoyo, pronto les traeré mi nuevo material para el cual he estado trabajando durante este tiempo, como siempre con una etiqueta única y original, les deseo un feliz y fantástico día, se les quiere mucho.

I want to thank you in advance for visiting my publication and for your support, soon I will bring you my new material for which I have been working for this time, as always with a unique and original label, I wish you a Happy and fantastic day, they are loved.

You can also find me on my other networks like ...

También puedes encontrarme en mis otras redes como...

Anothers Networks 👽



Hello friend. You do well musically.
It is not an easy task to compose songs, but here you did a great job. Your brother is i
Nice at what he does. Nice post
Weldone guys, my regards to your brother.

is cool, thank u bro!

You are welcome