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RE: Recording With Passion: My Creative Process Behind 'Dissolve'

in Music2 months ago

Hey there David! I really enjoyed the song while I was reading your creative process. I'm a huge fan of Alice in Chains, I heard their influence right away in your harmonies. I use the same technique to make my harmonies too! Just singing along the main line until I find the harmony that fits the best.

I used Modo bass one time too, because I don't have a 5 string bass and I had to use a plugin to simulate that. For acoustic drums sounds I use Steven Slate, pretty happy with the free version.

I'm glad to find other skilled musicians here, cheers! ✌️

 2 months ago  

Thanks mate, Im happy to read your kind comment, Grunge bands were great man, specially AIC 🙌.

I agree, modo is good for situations like that, unfortunately I never had a Bass but maybe in future I will have one, there are also some great plugins which we should add them on Kontakt and they have realistic samples of Bass, such as Scarbee Rickenbacker.


But for a sample Library like Scarbee I need a lot of space on my hard drive or ssd drive. I didn't buy them (though I dont even have access to buy them), we just download them here. Cause you know the situation is different in my place. But still sometimes I use the free vst plugins.

Thanks again for checking out my music. I am happy to meet you here my friend, maybe in future we can work on some songs together. \mm/

Well I'm about to buy a 5 strings bass so I won't need any plugin anymore eheh

Sure for the collab 💪🏻

 2 months ago  

That's cool, I am cooking something for a collab, I might prepare some metal riff so you can play the solo section. 🤘