I like being Australian and am proud to have been born and raised in this country, a patriot? Yeah I'd say so.
There's a lot to like about living in Australia, it's a beautiful place.
Sure, there's a lot of stuff that can kill a person like snakes, spiders, crocodiles, sharks, box jellyfish, deadly octopus and so on...it's a brutal place really. But it's free from a lot of the problems that plague other countries, is affluent, has a reasonable health system, low unemployment (for those who actually want to work), quaint small towns and vast modern cities like Sydney pictured above, Melbourne and Brisbane. Yep, there's a lot to like.
But what does this all have to do with music?
Confession - I am not much into Australian music
That's a generalisation though really; there's some I like, just not much and almost none comes from recent times. There's some very successful Australian bands and artists, no doubt about it, but there's few I genuinely like and even then, it's only a song or two usually.
I'm not sure what it is about Australian music that doesn't hold my interest but I have almost none in my Spotify playlists. The following three artists are three of them as is Keith Urban, the The Wolfe Brothers and one or two others and that's about it.
Track 1 Hunters and Collectors - Holy Grail
Track 2 Missy Higgins - They weren't there
Track 3 Cold Chisel - When the war is over
✳️ Here's a link to YouTube where you'll find all three in a single playlist.
I've been told the link to the Missy Higgins track doesn't work in South Africa or America, but this one does despite it not working here in Australia and here's a link to Spotify.
I've said a time or two that I'm less interested in following a particular genre, artist or band; it's about the actual music itself, on a case by case basis, and if it makes me feel something, moves me, or just sounds good to my ears I'm into it. The same could be said for Australian music; I'm selective.
I'm certainly not saying there's no talent in Australia and that the many artists that make music are not legitimate song writers, singers and musicians; they are of course. It's just that rarely do I find enough in it to capture my interest. Unfortunately these days, made-for-television shows like Australian Idol and The Voice manufacture artists, most of which have no longevity or substance and great bands who are out there grinding it struggle to make an impact in the industry and general marketplace. It's a shame, but it's probably the same around the world I guess.
Anyway, if you listened to the three tracks I linked feel free to comment on them and if you have any general comments feel free to leave them below; I'm responsive to commenting.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp
[All original and proudly AI free.]
Any images in this post are my own - Sydney, Australia
This music post is for the Three Tune Tuesday #TTT concept by @ablaze.
Missy Higgins is going on my playlist, what a lovely song. She has a very pretty voice.
I'm going to include an Aussie in my tracks next week who I really enjoy. I have Aussie bands in my playlist that are obscure and that probably nobody listens to. I'm okay with that 😝
As for the Idols, well, I have controversial views on these things. Especially when it comes to finding super young artists and getting them into the music industry without the correct protections in place.
She sure knows how to sing, and write a song. I'm glad you like her music, she has many great tracks for sure. Nice messages and well presented.
I'm curious now. Hopefully not these chaps with this gem of Aussie music. 😁
No it wasn't, but that song is a ripper, what you on about? 😝
It's a shocker!
Lol. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
I will concede that there's far worse...Here's one. Here's one.
I believe this is a particular favourite of @krazzytrukker's who told me about it.
Haha Smoko is hilarious.
I'm sure the chats took inspiration from these legends
Hahaha ok, I'm with you on that one. That's not cricket (SMOKO I mean) The Dead Roo one is catchy.
Caught in a Vortex... https://peakd.com/hive-196233/@krazzytrukker/wtf-is-a-smoko
I desperately need to know who these obscurities are. Please tell me immediately.
I'm going to be sadistic now...you'll have to wait for next week I'm afraid. I think we've all had a good dose of Aus obscurities for today, any more awesomeness and we might just explode
Hahaha yeah I'll do an Aussie one next week too but don't know if I can narrow it to three
Kylie Minogue, John Farnham and the Wiggles.
Canada has gone through a great deal of pain to ensure that the Canadian music scene and "Canadian Culture" survives vs the cultural onslaught that is living next to the US. There is a highly debated rule in Canada about what is called "Canadian Content" and that of everything broadcast - be it on the radio, television, etc - a certain percentage of it must be considered "Canadian." It's contentious. Sometimes leads to hilarious results, such as an extra 30 minute news cast every day which constituted "Canadian."
Does Australia have anything like that?
We have quotas on TV that have to be Australian content the same as Canada, but we have content from all over the world really, the UK and Canada, Europe, also the US of course. News services, current affairs and seeies also. I never watch free to air television though, I only watch PayTV and streaming services, (documentaries, movies and series.) The news is for schmucks.
Australia produces some reasonable content, but also some terrible stuff like "reality shows".
I actually remember when I watched the show on TV called Nashville, many of the actors and actresses on there were actually from Australia. I guess it is easier for Australian people to pull of a southern accent maybe. I don't know. You never would have guessed it until you saw the interviews and heard them really talk. It was some good music.
I never saw any of those episodes, but know the show and that some of the actors were Australian. I've actually watched movies and shows without knowing some of the actors and had the same experience as you, surprise that they're Australian.
Yeah, I think a lot of the newer shows over in the US are sourcing actors and actresses from Australia. It is crazy when you see them on talk shows and they do interviews and you think "wait, they aren't American!?"
I used to watch a show called Strike Back and one of the main guys, an American, was in fact an Australian called Sullivan Stapleton. I had no clue until I saw him in an Australian show and was like, shit that's a good Aussie accent for an American! Nope, the bugger was Australian the whole time. Lol.
Haha, that is too funny. I think I know that show, but I never watched it.
Pretty legit show if you're into that sort of thing. Action scenes are reasonably accurate too, which is not common.
I think it was on a premium channel that I wasn't willing to pay extra for when it first came out. That's probably why I missed it.
What great music! The second one the video didn't allow me to watch it, but the other two did.
I looked up the song and translated it, I like to do this when I want to know what it says. The holy grail... it's inside us. I liked the song a lot!
And I can link it to the third one, the heart is the grail. The war, who says we're not in one? What a good lyric!
Both very good. I don't like very much either, with some exceptions, the music of Argentina.
As for the second one, I looked up the lyrics and wowww even better, of the lyrics I liked the most.
I didn't know any of them and now I know three beauties. Thank you!
Yes, that's why I added the link below as per the text about it not playing in some countries, and a Spotify link.
Three songs I really like, and all from Australian artists. There's some talent here for sure, and some rubbish too of course.
Even though the link didn't work, I looked for the lyrics, not knowing that I wasn't going to stay.😀
Happy anniversary at HIVE! Many congratulations!✨
Lol, yeah I know huh? Tomorrow starts my seventh year. Thanks.
I'm going to celebrate the beginning of my 5th year in Spain ... I'm going to write about what I like the most, I'm going to pamper myself today too!
Enjoy the pampering.
I will do it! You too!
Your starting lines could've been written about sunny South Africa .... until the part about being free from a lot of problems that plague other countries. We ARE the other country.
Funny. My husband feels the same about local music. Boere musiek. Boere dans. But then there's me. English South African and I love the afrikaaner music and dance
Yeah, it's a great shame too, I mean South Africa is such a scenic and interesting place...but it's going down the toilet little by little. It's very sad and I feel for my South African friends, like you. I would dearly like to come there and see it before it becomes somewhere I'd not want to travel.
I knew someone would come along and stick up for Australian music, and they did, but it's not like I hate it, I just don't feel the same connection to it as other music...with the exception of a few artists, some which I've mentioned.
I said this:
So I certainly didn't indicate Australian music is bad, much the opposite really. Anyway, it is what it is.
I have some South African artists in my playlist, Prime Circle for one, from Johannesburg, but am not familiar with much Afrikaaner music. Do you think I might like it?
For someone who speaks English I don't always explain myself satisfactorily. I understand that you weren't saying Australian music is horrendous. It's the same with the Afrikaaner music. It simply doesn't "do it" for my husband.
Will you like it? Hard to say. I think it could be asked of most music particular to each country. Whether it is your own or another. You either love it or don't. Afrikaans music speaks to me. My husband on the other hand - he runs away screaming
It's all good, I sort of understood. And doesn't do it is a good way to put it.
I'm going to have to look up some Afrikaans music and give it a try, I'll do so whilst eating boerewors or biltong and sucking at rugby and cricket for that full South African moment. (Ok, I'm only joking.) 😁
Yeah for biltong! I just made a batch for our visiting British resident family. As for the sucking at rugby....that's debatable
Lol...I knew you'd approve of the biltong and not so much on the rugby.
Speaking about Australian music, only the names of the Bad Seeds and Kylie Minogue ring the bell for me; I prefer some Finnish names much more.
Yeah, I don't blame you!
I like that Finnish band for kids Hevisaurus, cool concept.
Thanks for sharing these. Never heard them before. Both are decent songs that could grow on me. I will try to listen to the Missy Higgins later as it said it was unavailable when i tried a couple of times. If I still can't pull it up, I will look her up on iTunes or something. Seen you're not an ACDC fan, what about Keith Urban?
You may need to try the link below the playlist link as that one seems to work overseas.
As stated in the post, I'm a fan of the fellow, seen him perform three times and all were great performances.
Oh shit. There goes my mush brain. Read passed that entirely. I need to get some sleep or something.
Lol...rack time is a must for the brain to function at peak, or anything close to it. All good.
Nah, I have been experiencing some "issues" the last couple days. It happens every now and then. My brain just doesn't track right sometimes. It feels like I am in a fog, and my thoughts are being pulled out of mud because it takes me a bit to think and act. It is all good though, because getting out today for my sons college orientation. Fresh air and college girls😀
There's nothing a college girl can't fix, or so I'm told, I never went to college. I'm just guessing, or is it fantasising? Lol.
I hope you have a good time and that your recent issues don't last long.
Yeah, just a dirty old man is what I'm being. I should be okay, got my cane and I will ask a college gal for help if I need it. 😜
These were new tunes for me and I liked them, although the Missy Higgins video didn't work for some reason.. When The War Is Over probably most up my street, I liked the guitar solos in it.
I remember listening to some Australian stuff when I lived there and liked it - some that stay in the memory Bernard Fanning, John Butler Trio and some of Powderfinger's stuff..
Yep, that's why I added in the Spotify link and a link to Youtube from outside of Australia.
There's some good Australian music for sure, far more than the three songs I have here, but my tastes mostly tend towards music from outside the country.
Aha.... Cool, just listened to Missy Higgins now and well, she was well worth waiting for, she has a gorgeous voice, I love a good piano based song with a good singer and this one ticks the boxes. I will check out more from Missy, nice one man..
I'm glad you did, she's a legit artist and worth letting into your ears. I think you'll find some others of her you'll like.
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What an awesome thing for you folks to do, I'm really pleased.
Two things.
By complete happenstance, a woman I worked with went to school with the lead singer. A small world indeed. Songs take on a different meaning when you know the lyricist and singer wrote about the same night sky and fields that you encounter in your travels.
Funny I thought all metal was kinda doomy 🤔🤣
Nah, Doom Metal is slower, more melodic, and almost peaceful main bits of sound, overlaid with rapid, violent crescendos and choruses that go back to being a lullaby. Typical metal is just energy all the time. Doom metal is more nuanced and takes you up onto a wave and lets you crash back down, too.
Here's an example.
Oh yay, I found a fellow metal listener 🙂 was starting to feel a bit like I was the only one on Hive hahaha.
As for the horizon being lopsided, it's actually upside down, you're just looking at it the wrong way.
It's always really awesome when you get to have a bit more of an in-person connection with band members, the music seems to be filled with a lot more substance like you say. Having conversations with them about songs sometimes reveal things about their music that nobody else even knows.
I like lots of metal. Aluminium, Steel, Iron... uh Titanium?
My favourites, in a nut shell:
Lol. Good one. You forgot Palladium, Nickel, Beryllium and Lithium which incidentally is actually a band who I personally know a member of.
Look, I'm not a metallurgist. I can barely iron out the kinks of language.
What about The Beards, classic Aussie band...I know the lads although they're sort of retired now. A shame really.
Gonna show my particular interest in Aussie Music now...
I'd like to mention Killing Heidi very keenly as an exemplar of the genre of just being Australian and awesome.
I went to see Shirley Manson and her entourage once upon time, known as "Garbage" - you may have heard of them. There was a local Melbourne band who opened for them called "Private Life", who seem to have rebranded as simply "PL"; and they too were an incredible outfit.
Purchased an EP from them directly, face to face, in person (which is incredible after having seen them on stage), and a t-shirt, which I wore for many, many years until my poor laundry habits saw it devolve to threads.
Excellent. Is Shirley Manson Marilyn Manson's cousin?
Saw them live once, were good.
I don't think so, but I'm sure they'd get along handsomely if they were to meet.
I think you missed ACADACA (ACDC) good list but there would be a shit tone of Australian artists that like me, you would have grown up with.
Great tracks by the way
I can't stand them, so missed them on purpose. That doesn't mean other people feel the same. There's loads of good Australian artists, as I stated, just not that many I personally like.
Yeah, I thought so.
It seems still summer there, but no summer in northern hemisphere yet, at least in my country :)
It's almost the middle of the winter here June. Raining and cold, but here's what it looked like yesterday, I took this not far from home. Australia truly is wondrous huh?
Looks so :) Well it is obvious that the seasons have been delayed due to climate change.
Nope...this is a typical winter day in my part of the country.
For two years, evenings and nights has been not so warm in June in my city.
Ah ok, well I don't know where that is, your city I mean, but you'll have to wear more clothes I suppose.
Right, still no summer clothes in a whole day :)
I think you are probably listening in the wrong place. RRR Melbourne radio showcases awesome Australian made music all the time from garage to postpunk to folk to rock and all in between. you chose some proper oldies there.
Yeah, I think the thing is I just don't listen to it because I have no real interest outside those I mention in this post and a few more here and there. All my music is on Spotify and I don't listen to the radio.
I think we all have our likes and dislikes, interests and non-interests, and that should be ok right?
Of course!!!!! I like hearing new music I guess, though I don't listen to radio as much as I used to. Silence is golden. 💙
Indeed, there's much to be said for silent moments, or just the sounds of nature.
With the radio, I don't like the adverts. The announcers. The music. I guess none of it.
I love looking for new music and adding it to my playlists too, I just can't do it by listening to the radio. I use Spotify.