She Don't Have To Know - Ed Privat (Cover)

in Music3 years ago

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Hello Dear Everyone!!!

I hope that you had a nice week!
I was watching a show called "Power" produced by 50 cent, about a Kinpin in NYC that has a double life, with a mistress, and have to live a life of secret, the first thing that came to my mind was John Legend's song "She Don't Have To Know".

I listen to it from time to time, the tune still holds up, it's a song from the John Legend's album, "Let's Get Lifted".

The song is really written as a story and works as a standalone song, however each songs of the album is played in a chronological order and part of a bigger story, the protagonist meets a girl, then have an affair, promise then not to do it again, and there's of course an ending.

In that song, the character is trying to have a double life, also realizing the person he is cheating on is also cheating on him 😄.

Another song having the same topic, was "Part Time Lover" by Stevie Wonder, with also the same twist at the end.

I've watched a few versions of the song live played by John Legend, and found once released 13 years ago, with a loose tempo, and a Latin rhythm, that I took as an inspiration.

In that version, he skipped the bridge and changes the ending for some reason, I realized that the bridge wasn't necessary in the song, and took it off also, I do that in my own songs sometimes, changing the lyrics, taking something away, adding something up. Songs evolve.

It's a pity, because I am not entirely happy with the performance, it's often the case, you're relaxed before doing the take, and then you press the button, all the muscles are tensed, you start sweating haha, I also made one or two tempo mistake, that I would normally NEVER do; to the point that I thought maybe I should redo it again. I eventually decided to keep it.

Oh stealing moments just to be with you
Though its wrong its hard to tell the truth, oh no
She don't have to know she don't have to know
When I meet 'cha, I got my shades on to cover up my eyes
I'm hoping that nobody sees me passing by
Through my disguise I still know you recognize
But you I know you got a little secret of your own
Sneaking out with me while your mans at home
You know your wrong but its so strong still carrying on
I go to the other side of town and so I
Never risk the chance will catch her eye
Oh no, she don't have to know, she don't have to know
Oh girl I know your doing the same thing too
But I won't tell your man the things we do
Oh no, he don't have to know, he don't have to know
Someone's watching we got to be careful next time or we're through
But damn it's so stressful doing that dirt we do
So sad but true, and I know one day I'm gonna pay
Then he ask me to sneak out of town for just a day or three
Go to DC and hold hands publicly all through the streets
'Cause they don't know you and they don't know me
And oh I'll feel sorry for mistake we've made
There's no reason that we should tell her today
She don't have to know, she don't have to know
Girl oh, though you give a lot of love to me
Girl I know I'm not the only one you see
But he don't have to know, he don't have to know


I saw this on your YouTube channel before here, how cool is that?

Thanks brother 😊 you don't know how glad I am you checked the music and not my MMA post haha for once.

I'm not sure if I should apologize or say you're welcome.


As fighters say, "It is what it is"

As I say, reminds me of 6th grade.

That's about it!

The thing says 16 degrees out there, rain's freezing mid flight and it just keeps doing, the ground and tree tops and everything, it's all blanketed in powder.

She dont have to know.... we dont have to know you made a tempo mistake haha. You didn't!! And if yes, it would be artistic freedom. :)

Really cool you can change the places where you record. I know you do it every time, and we already commented on this topic, but is still cool :) And still not cool my not moving piano 😂

Maybe I had to choose a different instrument back in time... maybe a triangle, or a piccolo 😁

Oh my god, I forgot that I mentioned the tempo mistake in the post, so I was thinking "Oh she noticed" hahaha so silly.

And still not cool my not moving piano 😂

How about getting a small portable one? Or would it be too silly maybe haha? I guess it depends what sort of sounds you get out of it, if it's dog barking sounds and car hooting sounds, I can't imagine playing classical music with it haha.

You didn't!! And if yes, it would be artistic freedom. :)

Hahaha totally! It's ok I've heard it, you heard it, I am at peace with it. It's almost like when someone is farting. Don't overthink it lol.

Thanks for the comment, I hope that you're doing good!

How about getting a small portable one? Or would it be too silly maybe haha? I guess it depends what sort of sounds you get out of it, if it's dog barking sounds and car hooting sounds, I can't imagine playing classical music with it haha.

AAaaaaaa hahahahah, that would be definitely too silly 😂

I have an idea, what about a toy instrument and playing it somewhere in the street? 🤣 That would be my great come back of posting videos of me playing and would achieve a great success :)))

I have an idea, what about a toy instrument and playing it somewhere in the street? 🤣 That would be my great come back of posting videos of me playing and would achieve a great success :)))

Knowing Hivers, they would probably enjoy it very much haha. I know I would!

Don't know... I would need to hide myself hahaha, pretend that it is actually not me 😆 just a random someone from the street...

Wow this is stunning! What a great composition and a stunning voice!

Thank you so much! I never released it, in 20 years 🙈but I have just registered it and it should be available on all streaming platforms in a few weeks! I have some new songs too, but they're totally different i style. More acoustic and country. This track here was mixed using software I haven't even started to figure out yet.

That's crazy!!! In 20 years!!! How does it feel?

It feels totally incredible. Like I've been waiting to get this done all my life. What ever happens, success here will mean that I tried and I finished it, and I have to remember that.

Hey Claire!! Thanks so much, nice to meet ya! You from CT, how are things going that side?

We're from Joburg ^^

Oh that is so awesome! Another South African Muso!! Can I follow you on youtube? Mine is

I'm currently collaborating with a few muso's in JHB. The scene here in Cape Town seems to be quite snobbish, even if you are actually Capetonian.

I've found total strangers via social media who are phenomenal artists who have been asking me for vocals and they've been helping me out with their production or other music skills. It's been so awesome to network with likeminded people. It's going to be a glorious year ahead :) Exciting times!

Hermoso 😱😱😱sublimeeee !!!
Lo amé de principio a fin .

¡¡Muchas muchas gracias!!

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Who is the awesome curator that found my vid? I need naaaaaaaaaames 😄

Nice one man.

It seems like the two people in the song would be better off if they had an open relationship. Less sneaking around and less betrayal that way.

Thanks dude!

It seems like the two people in the song would be better off if they had an open relationship. Less sneaking around and less betrayal that way.

Yeah but then we'll be missing on all the drama hahaha (grab popcorn)! At least it was entertaining in the series I just watched, I was like "Nooo shit!!" and all, but it ain't my shit IRL, and way too fucking stressful!

I think John Legend had issues at the time lol, and that was the perfect time to write a song about it.

Oh and a typical John Legend way, the next song after this is, "Number One", the first lyrics of the song are "I promised not to do it agaaaaaaaaaain" Young John is hahah a savage...

Basically each songs follow each other in the album and follow one big story, pretty cool.

That's true about the drama haha.
Yeah I like it when an album has a progression and is not just a collection of singles. A lot of the old rock bands used to be like that, almost like one long evolving song.

Classic, as always man nice one. -Generic lazy comment one-

-Generic lazy comment one-

The sloppier the better though haha.

Yeah bro really old school track that everyone forgot about lol. Thanks man, hope tha fam is good!

I really enjoyed the way you played the guitar tunes and sang. Natural singing now rare because these days songs are mostly about playing digital instruments. I appreciate your talent. Keep it up 👍

Hello there! Yes you are very right, though I don't mind people using autotune, I understand it's like photoshop, or filters on selfies, I prefer natural music, or natural food for that matter!

Thank you!!

My pleasure, have a nice day!

Geeenial 😍🥰💞
Muchas felicidades amigo, me encantó 😍✨

Gracias Yuli!!!

!LUV this!!! He don't have to know, but let's tell him anyway!🤣🤣😅😝🤫🤫🤭🤭🤭

@katou.kanga(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

OOOOh thx so much you!! Hope all is well!!!

After having my money stolen in December, I got my card frozen, but am still trying to contact the bank for renewel...with no success. So I lost my room, then after being housed by a so-called friend for a week, she kicked both me and a Brit she came with from the U.S. out into the streets🤮🤮🤮 The Brit, not so stupid, had another girl lined up in another city, and I, well, I now live in the streets😏 She was supposed to go back soit disant to the U.S. to help her daughter with something, but got sick lol😅 I'm outside of her house rental (could hear her coughing mdr🤦‍♀️). She wouldn't even open up the door to give me water, but is pretending to be gone😬 What a total bitch🤬🤬 I had to leave the arboretum planetarium today because I fell asleep on the grass lol😅 With others napping in couples on the grass plus the 50 or so caravans, are they this picky?

Aye aye aye...

Jeez I truly hope you don't end up selling crack, and if you do, please get the good stuff 😄

I can't fucking believe how can some people be just complete assholes like that! Let's pray/wish that you get to find a solution soon dear!

It's freezing here from 3-6am😰 I met another sdf who's letting me squat under the bridge with him. It's pretty tough, and my group of "friends" here don't give a shit😢

I like that place where you record, I think I want a library in my home to record, I like that background looks professional, friend I never get tired of listening to you, you are an excellent musician, guitarist and singer, never stop sharing your videos please, they make me very happy and you always share styles that transmit me much peace and happiness, success and blessings to you! @edprivat

Hey Jk what's up! Yeah me too, but honestly it's always looking so messy in here, I always have to clean for an hour before recording hahaha.

Dude, thanks for your comment, it's a really awesome one!

Well that happens everywhere haha cleaning is important before shooting, I totally understand you!