I don't know much about the album, since I just listened to the 30sec per track Spotify gives us when embedding it like you did. I just wished Spotify would've implemented this differently, maybe like YT, but they didn't.
Anyways, an interesting message you bring her.
On one hand, any form of drugs (which includes alcohol), those that have an effect on our brains in such a manner it feels better in one or the other way, can be used to step out of our own realities. For many, this serves as a break one needs to be able to deal with our life. For most this can be used recreationally, keeping track and focusing on their real lives in such a way it isn't impacted negatively. For some, it means full-on addiction that impacts the 'real' life in negative ways.
On the other hand, many forms of drugs (not all of them) can also help us to heal in many different ways. In that respect, drugs can help us to discover ourselves better, to learn to deal with certain difficulties in life, to broaden our field of 'vision', to free our minds from the boundaries we set ourselves. Am not saying this happens every time of using drugs, but my advice is to try and experience such effects from time to time. It helps to distance yourself from other human beings, to be able to focus 100% on yourself and whatever topic you like to explore in relation to yourself. Perhaps it also is something you like to experience outside your own or a friend's home. In nature for instance where you won't be distracted by anybody or anything. This provides maximum freedom to your mind to start exploring.
NJOY the discovery {WINK}
It is true that sometimes we seek to get to know each other better in extreme cases, although we will always recommend talking to a mental health professional if you find yourself in a situation like this, because not all people manage the consequences of their actions in the same way. Thank you very much for commenting, I invite you to follow us and learn more about this project, we are the first independent music media outlet on Hive, all support is welcome.