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RE: [ESP/ENG] Lowercase: Música microscópica | Lowercase: Microscopic music

in Music4 years ago

Throughout the years I came across various works that either belongs to the Lowercase genre or the Mircosound genre. The later I think is also called Glitch. It was in the early days of Internet music services, like Napster and Soulseek I came across this first artist and album belonging to this genre. Ryoji Ikeda and his album +/-. The super minimalistic sounds fascinated me. This was never an album that I listened to a lot, but from time to time I play it. Mostly occupied by other slightly more melodic music, I never took the time to dig into Microsound or Lowercase genres. I checked Spotify for a few artists you mentioned, and some of them have part of their work uploaded. With renewed fascination and interest, I'll for sure dive into this more.


Nice story, I also knew about microsound because of Ryoji Ikeda. I was looking for some "different" things to listen to in the RateYourMusic database and found about his album "Dataplex". That was the day I found about microsound and got fascinated about it.

Hahahaha how nice, both got exposed to this genre through the same artist! 🎶