All good, was just late in responding to replies, and got myself into a silly mood when starting to respond 🙃 Just noticed Andrew did invite me in his post, so I suppose I need to work on the next one. Didn't expect that one coming 🤣 Told him just yet I'll sit on it for a little while.
hahahaha true... well next round you can ping pong back to me.... am glad to get some additional work, since this is for the good cause. you see what is happening on the exchanges with HIVE just yet? this is due to our work! Massive breakout upto almost 100% valu eincrease... now struggling and coming down a bit, but still at 70% gain :) steem also broke out, but just with 30% or something. its our work we did that cuased this {LOL}
Great challenge, today I have a serious headache and prefer no music at all, but tomorrow hopefully another chance for this one. Btw, I learned something new.. hivesearcher! thanks for that :)
Glad I could help in bringing some new info to you. Hiveseacrher I use almost on a daily bases. It a creation by goodkarma, the guy from Ecency. I still like to see this integrated with all blogging UIs, but nobody seems to do this. I have no clue why not, since search is a necessity imho.
Hope your headache is gone soon. Music never ends, like this challenge not challenge doesn't have any deadline or something. In that respect, the 'not', as in a few other aspects {LOL}
I have no clue why not, since search is a necessity imho.
agree 100%!
Music never ends, like this challenge not challenge doesn't have any deadline or something.
So true! Music is ongoing and has been present in my life constantly and so connected to all the big moments.. For now, going to rest, haha, good night!
If you like? I did it without music this morning and early afternoon. Wanted to listen to drumoperators share, but 3Speak didn't run. Now need to start listening to the sounds of humans, b2b calls 😉
Took a bit of time, but finaly indeed 🙃 Looking forward to you reaction to Annelie and what your share and story is gonna be! 💃🎶🕺 Thanks for your help and support.
Hoping for the best indeed reagrding some cool music and great posts.
If you like, you can pick up from this post as well. Though I invited three users, you don't have to be invited to get this one going in all directions in our community :)
I accepted your challenge and wrote a Spread the Vibes post. You'll notice, I've used your image in it, I took from your original post. I hope it's okay, otherwise I have no problem removing it. Thanks for this cool challenge!Hello @edje,
SUPER! Glad you help to Spread the Vibes (it was mipiano who came with this challenge 'name' so all credits to her, as she help shaping the idea). Wonderful how you got 'onboard', really like your contribution! No strict rules of any kind for this 'Spread the Vibes' initiative, just some guideliness. Obviously, you are allowed to re-use images and whatnot! :)
Great and excellent initiative. I think I should share some ALABAMA with the community .... that should get me banned {sulk} ...
I loved Richard Claydermans ' Ballad for Adeline' but as you say.... he got played to death. I do have a few of his vinyls sometimes useful, along with Julio Iglesias and Roberto Carlos when 'entertaining' nubile young things {wink wink nudge nudge}
Go fetch {smile} .... now I gotta get out of here. Celebrating my birthday with a cycle equal in distance to my years on this planet ... it gets tougher every year .
On its way .... I should be doing something else .... but have well and truly been sucked down the music rabbit hole {sigh}... my bike awaits and it is getting hotter and hotter out there ..{sighhhhhh}
Be happy its summer at your end. We just had a week of snow in Amsterdam. Well, one day of snow and then a week of -10 Celcius. I love snow in the city, but not the cold so much 🙃 I was hoping for 7 days of snowing weather though, 1 meter plus snow in the streets. Would've been wonderful ☃️
Thanks! From day one at HIVE (well Steemit back then), I like to see music with words with a personal touch. We are at a blogging service, so the word part seems logical to me 🙃 I do know for sure, some will followup on this challenge. I simply hope more will do. Let's see where this will lead to 😉
How else.? Why do you need stupid re-posts of videos from YouTube ... If music is in your soul, then you can do it, even if not the best blogger ... In the music community, real musicians, to whom I take off my hats, with a high level of performing, ask tone .. Well, we, not "musicians", can write letters))
Absolutely!!! One of the things I see around our blockchain is an increase of users posting longer form articles about music (the good part), but only talk about the band/singer/music what we can find anywhere on the internet, like profile, discography and what the members did or not did (the not so good part). Let's see if we can change this to drop all the band blahblah in favour of our own stories (of any kind) 🙂🙃
Ты абсолютно прав...Этот рерайт из музыкальных журналов и Википедии заспамил уже не одно сообщество различных блокчейнов. Людям скучно читать то, то они могут при желании сами загуглить..Для меня интересен контен, в котором 1 ) Авторы вроде Илича радуют нас своим авторским исполнением 2 ) Мемуары типа моих, где всё от "первого лица" , который был внутри темы 3 ) last but not least Для меня пожалуй самое интересное..Как люди чувствуют музыку, какие эмоции она вызывает, какие ассциации , что с ними происходило под эту музыку в тот или иной перод времени ....Это самое ценнное ...любить музыку, жить в ней..У меня был друг ( ныне покойный , ветеран спецназа, воевал в Афгане), так вот он как то сказал гениальную мне фразу..." Занимаюсь сексом под Дип Пёрпл....И тут вступает Ричи Блэкмор и я просто не могу остановитья ")) We are absolutely right ... This rewrite from music magazines and Wikipedia has already spammed more than one community of various blockchains. People are bored of reading something, then they can google themselves if they want .. For me, the content is interesting in which 1) Authors like Ilic please us with their author's performance 2) Memoirs like mine, where everything is from the "first person", which was inside the topic 3 ) last but not least For me, perhaps the most interesting thing .. How people feel music, what emotions it evokes, what associations, what happened to them with this music at one time or another ... This is the most valuable thing ... to love music , to live in it .. I had a friend (now deceased, a veteran of special forces, fought in Afghanistan), and so he somehow said a brilliant phrase to me ... "I have sex under Deep Purple .... And then Ritchie Blackmore enters and I just can't stop it "))
Owww yea, the feeling music can give us, can be extraordinary. I suppose it can also enhance whatever we we do when having sex hahahaha Great quote! {LOL} It's very interesting when discussing with people how they feel music. Interesting to learn some people feel differently to others. I for instance, can have the feeling to be one with the music. When I try to explain this feeling to others, they may not understand it, or say: Yea Yea that! When someone doesn't understand, I wonder of such person ever had such feeling. Maybe not... :)
We have an old comedy from Stalin's times "Merry guys")) There are excellent words in one of the songs "The song helps us build and live")) I can't imagine a morning without Santana)) Or some kind of work without music ... Music is the rhythm of our Life, our Soul ... (if there is one))
Прекрасный посыл ты дал в этом посте ..Это крайне интересно...Кто ,Когда и Как почувствовал музыку, когда был момент музыкальной дефлорации...Рассказы на эту тему крайне интересны , они жизненны
You gave a wonderful message in this post .. It is extremely interesting ... Who, When and How felt the music, when there was a moment of musical defloration ... Stories on this topic are extremely interesting, they are vital
Thanks so much 🙂 Feel welcome to jump in! You may respond to my shared music, or to any of the other ones in the #spreadthevibes tag and add your own music selection into your participation post 🙃
good idea for a challenge.
I'll be putting some thought to a post for later
Looking forward 🎶
Thks @edje, i was looking por piano relaxing music, found it in Annelie! Beautiful
Super! :)
If you like, you can also pickup from this post! No guideliness on being invited or not. Anything goes! :)
Knock knock, someone has delivered one response.... here:
The door is open! :) ... Oops, I shall check your contribution ... Getting old, done that already this morning {LOL}
You can do it again, not a problem 🤣
Btw, the notification this morning didn't work very well.. So maybe you just didn't get it before.
All good, was just late in responding to replies, and got myself into a silly mood when starting to respond 🙃 Just noticed Andrew did invite me in his post, so I suppose I need to work on the next one. Didn't expect that one coming 🤣 Told him just yet I'll sit on it for a little while.
I saw you are one of his invited ones 😁 I had to do the same... 😜 You would be overwhelmed by work hehehe
hahahaha true... well next round you can ping pong back to me.... am glad to get some additional work, since this is for the good cause. you see what is happening on the exchanges with HIVE just yet? this is due to our work! Massive breakout upto almost 100% valu eincrease... now struggling and coming down a bit, but still at 70% gain :) steem also broke out, but just with 30% or something. its our work we did that cuased this {LOL}
Ok, I am going to write a new one... right now! :D
I came home now, and my husband told me about those crazy happenings.
Yes, must be because we spread the price... I mean the vibes 😋
Great challenge, today I have a serious headache and prefer no music at all, but tomorrow hopefully another chance for this one. Btw, I learned something new.. hivesearcher! thanks for that :)
Glad I could help in bringing some new info to you. Hiveseacrher I use almost on a daily bases. It a creation by goodkarma, the guy from Ecency. I still like to see this integrated with all blogging UIs, but nobody seems to do this. I have no clue why not, since search is a necessity imho.
Hope your headache is gone soon. Music never ends, like this challenge not challenge doesn't have any deadline or something. In that respect, the 'not', as in a few other aspects {LOL}
Looking fwd to your contribution! :)
agree 100%!
So true! Music is ongoing and has been present in my life constantly and so connected to all the big moments.. For now, going to rest, haha, good night!
Good Morning! Rise and Shine 🎶🤣
lol. let me guess, turn on the house music? :)
If you like? I did it without music this morning and early afternoon. Wanted to listen to drumoperators share, but 3Speak didn't run. Now need to start listening to the sounds of humans, b2b calls 😉
Finally, the challenge not challenge: spread the vibes is ON 👌😃
Now, let's prepare well to the iniciative, and respond to it with the vibes 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Took a bit of time, but finaly indeed 🙃 Looking forward to you reaction to Annelie and what your share and story is gonna be! 💃🎶🕺 Thanks for your help and support.
It will take time for the "response" but I want to do it right now 🤩
Calm thinking versus emotions 😂
No worries about time: This one doesn't have any closing time 🙃
I am good in spreading the word hahahaha and I will enter
Hahaha Super! :)
awesome! looking forward to some good #music related posts.
Hoping for the best indeed reagrding some cool music and great posts.
If you like, you can pick up from this post as well. Though I invited three users, you don't have to be invited to get this one going in all directions in our community :)
I accepted your challenge and wrote a Spread the Vibes post. You'll notice, I've used your image in it, I took from your original post. I hope it's okay, otherwise I have no problem removing it. Thanks for this cool challenge!Hello @edje,
SUPER! Glad you help to Spread the Vibes (it was mipiano who came with this challenge 'name' so all credits to her, as she help shaping the idea). Wonderful how you got 'onboard', really like your contribution! No strict rules of any kind for this 'Spread the Vibes' initiative, just some guideliness. Obviously, you are allowed to re-use images and whatnot! :)
cool! music! I will definitely check out the song and continue the challenge :D
Hahahaha, super. I was sure you would 🤣
A reaction can be of any sort. I know you take on challenges to turn music into a guitar version. But words will do as well 🙃
Great and excellent initiative. I think I should share some ALABAMA with the community .... that should get me banned {sulk} ...
I loved Richard Claydermans ' Ballad for Adeline' but as you say.... he got played to death. I do have a few of his vinyls sometimes useful, along with Julio Iglesias and Roberto Carlos when 'entertaining' nubile young things {wink wink nudge nudge}
Really? You've own Richard Clayderman records? Euhm... But when it serves a purpose at home, then: ok ok... But still {LOL} Try Annelie next time 🙃
Looking fwd to your contribution 🎶
Go fetch {smile} .... now I gotta get out of here. Celebrating my birthday with a cycle equal in distance to my years on this planet ... it gets tougher every year .
Hope you made the 🚲 round
Made two thirds the distance .... was ridiculously hot with strong wind. But nonetheless I celebrated life and health
On its way .... I should be doing something else .... but have well and truly been sucked down the music rabbit hole {sigh}... my bike awaits and it is getting hotter and hotter out there ..{sighhhhhh}
Be happy its summer at your end. We just had a week of snow in Amsterdam. Well, one day of snow and then a week of -10 Celcius. I love snow in the city, but not the cold so much 🙃 I was hoping for 7 days of snowing weather though, 1 meter plus snow in the streets. Would've been wonderful ☃️
you have been upvoted by me and I wanted to thank you for the blogging share today and I want to wish you a great Valentine’s Day tomorrow
How nice. Thank you and Thank you. For you, a great Valentine's day as well :)
Great idea!!!
Thanks! From day one at HIVE (well Steemit back then), I like to see music with words with a personal touch. We are at a blogging service, so the word part seems logical to me 🙃 I do know for sure, some will followup on this challenge. I simply hope more will do. Let's see where this will lead to 😉
How else.? Why do you need stupid re-posts of videos from YouTube ... If music is in your soul, then you can do it, even if not the best blogger ... In the music community, real musicians, to whom I take off my hats, with a high level of performing, ask tone .. Well, we, not "musicians", can write letters))
Absolutely!!! One of the things I see around our blockchain is an increase of users posting longer form articles about music (the good part), but only talk about the band/singer/music what we can find anywhere on the internet, like profile, discography and what the members did or not did (the not so good part). Let's see if we can change this to drop all the band blahblah in favour of our own stories (of any kind) 🙂🙃
Ты абсолютно прав...Этот рерайт из музыкальных журналов и Википедии заспамил уже не одно сообщество различных блокчейнов. Людям скучно читать то, то они могут при желании сами загуглить..Для меня интересен контен, в котором 1 ) Авторы вроде Илича радуют нас своим авторским исполнением 2 ) Мемуары типа моих, где всё от "первого лица" , который был внутри темы 3 ) last but not least Для меня пожалуй самое интересное..Как люди чувствуют музыку, какие эмоции она вызывает, какие ассциации , что с ними происходило под эту музыку в тот или иной перод времени ....Это самое ценнное ...любить музыку, жить в ней..У меня был друг ( ныне покойный , ветеран спецназа, воевал в Афгане), так вот он как то сказал гениальную мне фразу..." Занимаюсь сексом под Дип Пёрпл....И тут вступает Ричи Блэкмор и я просто не могу остановитья ")) We are absolutely right ... This rewrite from music magazines and Wikipedia has already spammed more than one community of various blockchains. People are bored of reading something, then they can google themselves if they want .. For me, the content is interesting in which 1) Authors like Ilic please us with their author's performance 2) Memoirs like mine, where everything is from the "first person", which was inside the topic 3 ) last but not least For me, perhaps the most interesting thing .. How people feel music, what emotions it evokes, what associations, what happened to them with this music at one time or another ... This is the most valuable thing ... to love music , to live in it .. I had a friend (now deceased, a veteran of special forces, fought in Afghanistan), and so he somehow said a brilliant phrase to me ... "I have sex under Deep Purple .... And then Ritchie Blackmore enters and I just can't stop it "))
Owww yea, the feeling music can give us, can be extraordinary. I suppose it can also enhance whatever we we do when having sex hahahaha Great quote! {LOL} It's very interesting when discussing with people how they feel music. Interesting to learn some people feel differently to others. I for instance, can have the feeling to be one with the music. When I try to explain this feeling to others, they may not understand it, or say: Yea Yea that! When someone doesn't understand, I wonder of such person ever had such feeling. Maybe not... :)
We have an old comedy from Stalin's times "Merry guys")) There are excellent words in one of the songs "The song helps us build and live")) I can't imagine a morning without Santana)) Or some kind of work without music ... Music is the rhythm of our Life, our Soul ... (if there is one))
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Прекрасный посыл ты дал в этом посте ..Это крайне интересно...Кто ,Когда и Как почувствовал музыку, когда был момент музыкальной дефлорации...Рассказы на эту тему крайне интересны , они жизненны
You gave a wonderful message in this post .. It is extremely interesting ... Who, When and How felt the music, when there was a moment of musical defloration ... Stories on this topic are extremely interesting, they are vital
Thanks so much 🙂 Feel welcome to jump in! You may respond to my shared music, or to any of the other ones in the #spreadthevibes tag and add your own music selection into your participation post 🙃
Just sharing my participation in this cool challenge. I was introduced to it by @holisticmom.
Spread The Vibes Challenge - "Love Is Among" by the Wordsmith "Vaughn Benjamin"
Hi. It is a great initiative. I like so much the instrumental music, specially the piano.