You're so right. Nowadays the artist has to perform for cameras too and do memorable things like grab an audience members phone and sing directly to it for a second. Because if they don't, they get blasted on the internet for not embracing everyone's phone.
Pagers weren't popular in the 90's in Venezuela or that was before your time?
Hahaha 😂😂😂 you're right, in these days people feel like they have to please everybody, I can't imagine Sid Vicious or Jim Morrison pretending to be kind just for look good for your social media hahaha
I was a kid-teenager in the 90s and well, I don't remember had seen a pager never in the city I live, maybe they were popular in many countries but not here hahaha, my dad had a cellphone in the 90s and it wasn't one of those that look like a brick hahaha, it was a small and pretty cool one hehehe