Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2) Cover feat. MobeyDick

in Music7 months ago

Wow! And then sometimes YouTube surprises the bananas out if you. 1. 4 K views? Wow.

"Still haven't found what I'm looking for" Is a U2 song we've been covering since @jasperdick and Claire Mobey started gigging together.

We're looking at doing a few more off the Joshua Tree Album in the future. It's just so good.

Thanks for hosting us Sandi's Bistro and to @zakludick for the footage!

Please head over to our YouTube channel and subscribe for our latest content as we release it 🤗🤗


Nice cover congratulations on your views on YouTube ☺️ have a great weekend

Thank you so much!

Ohhhhhhh que riiiiiiico! This is a delight to listen to and sing with. Thanks so much.

Thanks so much for listening 😊

you're making me cry, you bastards

Awwwwww lol! Thanks so much for watching 🤗🤗