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RE: Three-Tune Tuesday: Led Zeppelin? Not Convinced.

in Music3 months ago

I like Zepplin. I think "Fool In The Rain" is probably one of my favorite songs. It doesn't get the attention that the other ones do, but it is really good. I also like "Hey Hey What Can I do". I used to hate "Black Dog", but I don't mind it anymore. Some of Plants later stuff with Alison Krauss is quite good.


Thanks, I will listen to them. I tried the ones @gtg mentioned and they could get inside my system with some more listening. 'The Battle Of Evermore' is quite gothic and folky and I can see where Diablo got it's musical ideas from!

Over the Hills and Far away is another one of my favorites simply because of the opening how it's all acoustic, then the electric stuff comes in.
