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RE: The date

in Music2 years ago

What beautiful songs Galen, thank you for sharing them. Each one has its style, diversity, and the beauty of it.

No, I haven't been on many dates, but not because I haven't been propositioned haha. Some have ended abruptly, maybe there was something I didn't like, it caused me rejection and when that happens whether it's a date or a friendship I walk away. Others went further and very nice.
The best thing has been the sense of humour, sharing stories, experiences and being similar.
The worst thing is when you want to force something that one of the parties is not interested in.

My ideal date... I don't think I have one, it comes naturally, but I can tell you that the nicest ones are the ones where I don't even realise it's a date, everything is natural and both parties are comfortable.

What do I see in the other person that makes me want to experience more? Intelligence, creativity, that this man makes me laugh, that I feel I know him from before and a lot of imagination, I love to share that. Equal attracts equal... and another thing, that he knows me to my dark side and accompanies me.

Hey, I never said these things in public haha.

Thanks Galen!


Great songs for sure, well...I like them anyway.

It's interesting to know what attracts people...I might do a weekend-engagement topic about it sometime. I wrote some today actually, topics; I drafted up 104 topics in an Excel spreadsheet. I'm not joking. 😏

Anyway, it's so nice when things are unforced on a date, when they flow naturally; it helps connection happen more effectively and can be a good segway to something lasting.

Thanks for sharing.

104 topics!!!!! Ufff those are topics... I sharpen my fingers jajajaja

You were inspired, that's creativity!

I'll wait for those themes, I always have to sit down to think about .... which one I write about, I like the 1, 3, 4... all of them! What do I do???? hahaha but in the end I say well let my intuition guide me.

I just write and I don't even realise what I've written hahaha

Lol...don't worry, they're all easy.

Super easy 🤣🤣🤣