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RE: Sharing Some Irish Rap For TTT

in Music11 months ago

Thanks both, that means a lot.
Man - it’s been a hard 2 years.
I’m doing better now though, thanks for saying so @killerwot, that made my day

I still admire Hive, the people and what the community achieved. Perhaps I can make amends and look at coming back


Hey @ashtv I'm glad to hear you're doing better man. I was worried after checking up and seeing that you'd been off for so long. I wasn't sure if you'd lost your keys or something.

It would be great to see you around again dude, but do so in your own time and when you feel ready to.

Thanks man. Yeah it’s been a longer break than I anticipated, by a long shot.
I occasionally dipped my head back in to see what’s going on or if much had changed, but it looks pretty similar here as 2 years ago.
I’ve still got all my keys in tact. Never touched my Hive, it’s just sat there. But, I’m not fussed about that side of things.

Hope you’re well dude.

I'm doing really good, I've been building myself up here, and managed to do some pretty cool stuff. I wrote a feature film based around Hive, currently getting ready to announce a new update for it. I also wrote a novella and hired a friend from Hive to come on as a beta reader/ editor, and he has given me some great feedback and we're both thinking it could be really good with some work.

Also, the biggest and best thing to happen to me is I became a father. He's 10 months old at the moment, and it has been the best experience ever. We were like sleep deprived zombies at the start, and now I think the sleep depervation has turned into slight insanity. But, it's all worth it.

Ah man, congrats on fatherhood. I was thinking about those early days today too and how difficult they were. It’s a massive adventure you’re on, find the joy!
10 months is so so small, lots more beautiful moments to come and hopefully more quality sleep ❤️

Great news on the film and novel! Fantastic stuff. I’m pleased for you man.

It has been the best experience ever, and we've both taken to parenthood really well. He's the coolest little guy ever, and is constantly smiling and happy. He's also pretty social and is constantly looking around at people when we're out.