Hi friends💖, I'm too happy to be back blogging!!!! , I've been absent because my internet was gone !!!! I was desperate but in the end it has been solved, I come with many ideas and enthusiasm , today I have decided to make a music top, this time it is about academic music or as others prefer to call it classical music , both denominations are valid, I feel very excited because it is the first time I talk about classical music, with which I have a close and very sentimental relationship, Until a year ago and for quite some time I have played piano with an academic background, by this I mean studying under a curriculum of institutions such as conservatories, which focus primarily on teaching music that has been composed over the centuries, learning both its history and musical interpretation.

No es tarea fácil elegir unas pocas piezas para un top habiendo tanta música maravillosa en el mundo más aún si de música académica se trata; tengo intenciones de compartir con ustedes aquellas piezas que hayan llamado más mi interés o tocado mi corazón, espero que puedan disfrutarlas tanto como yo lo he hecho, pues considero que la música es de las mejores cosas que podemos tener en este mundo , una herramienta que te permite expresar , abrir tu mente y tu imaginación y conectarte con todo aquello que hace a la vida hermosa y real .
It is not an easy task to choose a few pieces for a top having so much wonderful music in the world even more if it is academic music; I intend to share with you those pieces that have called more my interest or touched my heart, I hope you can enjoy them as much as I have done, because I consider that music is one of the best things we can have in this world , a tool that allows you to express , open your mind and your imagination and connect with everything that makes life beautiful and real .

🎼♬Damunt de tu només les flors - Federico Mompou ♬

Federico Mompou was a Spanish composer born in 1893 , his music has a minimalist concept , only capture the essential and necessary in a poetic and spiritual way , represents one of the most important composers of the twentieth century , his pieces have the characteristic of being like a short moment of the most delicious and deep.
Damunt de tu només les flors es el primer movimiento de un ciclo de tres canciones para soprano y piano, esta basado en tres poemas de un libro de Josep Janés un amigo editor y poeta suyo, dicho libro se titula “Combat del somni", así Mompou decidió musicalizar estos textos, el de esta pieza lo dejo aquí para que puedan leerlo es breve pero conciso.
Damunt de tu només les flors is the first movement of a cycle of three songs for soprano and piano, it is based on three poems from a book by Josep Janés, a publisher friend and poet of his, this book is titled "Combat del somni", so Mompou decided to musicalize these texts, the one of this piece I leave it here so you can read it, it is brief but concise.

Como les decía mis queridos lectores estas piezas fueron compuestas principalmente para voz y piano , pero he decidido agregar a este top esta transcripción a piano de Arcadi Volodos pianista ruso, quien además la interpreta maravillosamente.
As I was telling you my dear readers these pieces were composed mainly for voice and piano , but I decided to add to this top this piano transcription by Arcadi Volodos Russian pianist, who also plays it beautifully.
Definitivamente me atrapó mucho más esta versión de Damunt de tu només les flors, esta pieza suena como una corta y profunda declaración de amor con rostro desgarrado y desconsolado del anhelo, como mirar a alguien estando ciegamente enamorado, también dejo la versión para soprano y piano interpretada por Victoria de los Ángeles (soprano española) y el mismo Mompou al piano
Definitely this version by Damunt of tu només les flors caught me much more, this piece sounds like a short and deep declaration of love with a torn and disconsolate face of longing, like looking at someone being blindly in love, I also leave the version for soprano and piano interpreted by Victoria de los Ángeles (Spanish soprano) and Mompou himself at the piano

🎼♬ Rêverie - Claude Debussy ♬

Claude Debussy nacido en 1862 fue un compositor francés perteneciente a la corriente impresionista, puede decirse que el autor impresionista mas notorio, para mis amigos que no estén relacionados con el termino el impresionismo, en el ámbito musical es una tendencia que nació en Francia , su duración fue de 1875 -1925 aproximadamente, se caracteriza por la intención de despertar la intuición , en vez de tener conceptos tangibles y concretos, así dando paso a la experimentación e insinuación , Rêverie que en francés significa ensueño, es una de las piezas mas conocidas de este compositor junto con Claire de lune y sus Arabesques, aunque estos últimos son un poco menos famosos.
Claude Debussy born in 1862 was a French composer belonging to the impressionist current, it can be said that the most notorious impressionist author, for my friends who are not related to the term impressionism, in the musical field is a trend that was born in France , its duration was from 1875 -1925 approximately, it is characterized by the intention of awakening intuition, instead of having tangible and concrete concepts, thus giving way to experimentation and insinuation , Rêverie which in French means reverie, is one of the best known pieces of this composer along with Claire de lune and his Arabesques, although the latter are a little less famous.

When you start listening to Rêverie you immediately enter a magical world , with its meditative melody , you feel that you rock gently and the melody is enriching , it is gaining strength and weight until it falls at a climax with a chord of F augmented twice , the next are my favorite bars resuming a peaceful atmosphere but this time even more mystical , and ends up settling and getting stability sounded at the end of the piece.
This work is known because a publisher published it without the consent of the composer, to which he replied that he did not consider it a piece of value and composed it for purely commercial purposes and that it had no major importance, what Debussy did not know is that it would become one of his most famous works.
Here I share the interpretation of the talented and beautiful German-Japanese pianist Alice Sara Ott .

🎼♬Ravel Piano Concerto in G major II. Adagio assai- Maurice Ravel ♬

Maurice Ravel was born in 1875, in France, this piece belongs to the second movement of a piano concerto which is composed of three movements (I. Allegramente -II. Adagio assai -III. Presto) for those who are not familiar, these terms refer to the tempo of the piece i.e. its speed and character.
This second movement is incredibly nostalgic, I firmly believe that this famous adagio is capable of softening anyone's heart.
El impresionismo se muestra en su esplendor , escuchar esta pieza es como contemplar un hermoso paisaje en silencio y tranquilidad , mientras tienes en el pecho un gota de nostalgia, se vuelve meditativa y los instrumentos de viento acompañando al piano a lo largo de la pieza hacen que esta sensación se acentúe.
Ravel es considerado un maestro de la orquestación y en este movimiento y de hecho en toda la obra podemos notar que su titulo está correspondido.
Siento que esta la pieza te hace sumergirte en un mar de recuerdos, las tensiones son maravillosas y puestas en el lugar exacto, se vuelve tan reluciente y oscura haciendo un contraste perfecto; las notas agudas en el piano cuando está por acabar la pieza le dan un toque de elegante final de perfección.
Impressionism is shown in its splendor, listening to this piece is like contemplating a beautiful landscape in silence and tranquility, while you have in your chest a drop of nostalgia, it becomes meditative and wind instruments accompanying the piano throughout the piece make this feeling is accentuated.
Ravel is considered a master of orchestration and in this movement and in fact throughout the piece we can see that his title is matched.
I feel that this piece makes you dive into a sea of memories, the tensions are wonderful and put in the right place, it becomes so shimmering and dark making a perfect contrast; the sharp notes on the piano when the piece is about to end give it an elegant final touch of perfection.
♪ Here it is performed by the renowned pianist Hélène Grimaud

❤️ My dear readers this has been my selection in this top 3 of academic music, I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did, and don't forget that music lives in each one of us. A lot of love❤️


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De por sí la música nos hace volar a otros mundos ♥ Me encantó tu post hermosa, espero puedas compartir más.