The title above is similar to a news article in the largest newspaper in Indonesia, Kompas on July 12, 2020. There is a research conducted to look at money management during a pandemic by the largest newspaper in Indonesia.
Well, everyone already knows that during a pandemic, most countries in the world are in recession. Minus economic growth, reduced spending which affects production factors. This condition is increasingly concerning because the World Food Program, WFP, estimates that many people around the world will be alarmed around the world because of the shortage of food due to the pandemic.
In the midst of these conditions, how could people save money. Many people have lost their jobs, although it must be admitted that various types of new jobs have emerged amid the corona outbreak. But various studies have shown, many people lose their jobs, or their income decreases because of various deductions.
How in the midst of these conditions can people save money? In fact, the amount of money in banks in the form of savings, at least in Indonesia, has actually increased compared to the period before the corona virus outbreak occurred. This condition is estimated because many rich people who before investing their money in various businesses, now choose a safe way to avoid risks. This method is to place their money in savings and deposits.
In addition, there are also those who save money in the form of stock investments. They buy blue chip stocks that have the potential to increase even during a pandemic, such as pharmaceutical and food stocks. However, during a pandemic people still need food and medicine.
Saving can be done if there is excess income. Actually, no matter how much a person earns, they can save money, if that person only meets the minimum needs. Remember, needs are different from wants. Many wants now look like needs. For example, people drink coffee every day, is that a need or a want?
Coffee is not a basic necessity. Even without drinking coffee, people will still live. Maybe in the midst of a pandemic that has decreased incomes, people should reduce or even stop coffee where they are expensive. After all, many coffee shops are affordable but the quality of the coffee is not inferior to branded coffee shops.
It's not easy to change habits over the years. Hence, it takes a strong desire to control expenses.
In the midst of many people who can save, there are also groups of people who no longer have savings because they cover various basic needs with savings. This group is more fortunate than the group before the pandemic had no savings.
Hence, the words of the Prophet Muhammad are still relevant at any time. Remind five things before five cases come; take advantage of youth before coming old, take advantage of healthy time before sickness, take advantage of rich times before poverty, take advantage of free time before busy times, and make the most of your life before you die!
Gigih Menabung di Masa Pandemi
Judul di atas mirip dengan artikel sebuah berita di surat kabar terbesar di Indonesia, Kompas pada 12 Juli 2020 lalu. Ada sebuah riset yang dilakukan untuk melihat pengelolaan uang di masa pandemi yang dilakukan koran terbesar di Indonesia tersebut.
Nah, semua orang sudah tahu bahwa di masa pandemi sebagian besar negara di dunia mengalami resesi. Pertumbuhan ekonomi minus, belanja berkurang sehingga memengaruhi faktor produksi. Kondisi ini semakin memprihatinkan karena Lembaga Program Pangan Dunia, WFP, memperkirakan banyak orang akan kepalaran di seluruh dunia karena kekurangan makanan akibat pandemi.
Di tengah kondisi tersebut, mana mungkin orang bisa menabung. Banyak orang kehilangan pekerjaan, meski harus diakui muncul berbagai jenis pekerjaan baru di tengah wabah korona. Tapi berbagai penelitian membuktikan, banyak orang kehilangan pekerjaan, atau penghasilan menurun karena berbagai pengurangan.
Bagaimana di tengah kondisi seperti ini orang bisa menabung? Ternyata, jumlah uang di bank dalam bentuk tabungan, setidaknya di Indonesia, malah meningkat dibandingkan dengan masa sebelum wabah virus korona terjadi. Kondisi ini diperkirakan karena banyak orang kaya yang sebelum menginvestasikan uangnya dalam berbagai bisnis, kini memilih cara aman untuk menghidari dari risiko. Cara tersebut adalah menempatkan uang mereka di tabungan dan deposito.
Selain itu, ada juga yang menyimpan uang dalam bentuk investasi saham. Mereka membeli saham-saham unggulan (blue chip) yang memiliki potensi untuk naik meski di masa pandemi, seperti saham farmasi dan makanan. Bagaimana pun, di masa pandemi orang tetap membutuhkan makanan dan obat-obatan.
Menabung bisa dilakukan jika ada kelebihan penghasilan. Sebenarnya, berapa pun penghasilan seseorang tetap bisa menabung, kalau orang tersebut hanya memenuhi kebutuhan minimum saja. Ingat, kebutuhan beda dengan keinginan. Banyak keinginan sekarang terlihat seperti kebutuhan. Misalnya saja, orang minum kopi setiap hari, apakah itu termasuk kebutuhan atau keinginan?
Ngopi bukan kebutuhan mendasar. Tanpa minum kopi pun, orang akan tetap hidup. Mungkin di tengah pandemi yang membuat penghasilan menurun, orang harus mengurangi atau bahkan menghentikan ngopi di tempat yang mahal. Toh, banyak coffee shop yang harganya terjangkau tetapi kualitas kopi tidak kalah dengan coffee shop branded.
Memang tidak mudah mengubah kebiasaan selama bertahun-tahun. Makanya, dibutuhkan keinginan yang kuat agar bisa mengendalikan pengeluaran.
Di tengah banyak orang yang bisa menabung, ada juga kelompok masyarakat yang sudah tidak memiliki tabungan lagi karena menutupi berbagai kebutuhan pokok dengan tabungan. Kelompok ini lebih beruntung dibandingkan kelompok yang sebelum pandemi tidak memiliki tabungan.
Makanya, sabda Nabi Muhammad masih tetap relevan sampai kapan pun. Ingatkan lima perkara sebelum datang lima perkara; manfaatkan waktu muda sebelum datang waktu tua, manfaatkan waktu sehat sebelum sakit, manfaatkan masa kaya sebelum miskin, manfaatkan waktu luang sebelum masa sibuk, dan manfaatkan hidupmu sebelum mati!
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