Hoy el día amaneció con inquietantes nubes que presagiaban tormentas.
Una DANA llamada Garoe llegaba a las islas Canarias dejando copiosas lluvias y fuertes vientos en numerosas zonas.
Una DANA es un fenómeno atmosférico que consiste en una gran masa de aire frío que circula a gran altura generando una gran inestabilidad.
Afortunadamente donde yo vivo no ha generado grandes molestias y hemos podido desarrollar una actividad relativamente normal.
Fotografía original tomada con un IPhone XR
Today the day dawned with ominous clouds that presaged storms.
A DANA called Garoe reached the Canary Islands leaving heavy rains and strong winds in many areas.
A DANA is an atmospheric phenomenon that consists of a large mass of cold air that circulates at high altitude generating great instability.
Fortunately where I live it has not generated great inconvenience and we have been able to develop a relatively normal activity.
Original photo taken with an IPhone XR
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io