Amazing progress! This is getting easy

in Actifitlast year


This week was a chill one...

Last week the ride was a hard one, so, this week we decided to have a more chill one.

One of my friends was able to convince his girlfriend to also get a bike, a cheap one! And she came with us!

She is not as used to riding around as we are, so we had to make the ride more chill, 33Km, at a pace of 17Km/h. We had to stop a bunch of times for her to catch a breath, and that is when I realized...

I was not tired at all! I still remember doing this exact circuit when we first started riding around, and it was so hard to do! Every single climb I had to stop because I was out of breath. But this time I wasn't tired at all. I think I could have done the whole thing nonstop if I had to.

I've come a long way, from almost not being able to finish 26Km, to now doing 40Km easily, and even doing 80Km! It's the exact same as bodybuilding, the more you try to push yourself the bigger and better you grow!

Now If only I could get my nutrition in order...

I'm eating bad, I know that I am. I have a meal plan that I want to stick by, but it's hard to stick by it when my whole family thinks it's a good idea to buy ice cream, Pizza, Hamburgers, Cheese, etc...

I always eat my protein and fats, but I always overeat carbs because the Kitchen is full of delicious stuff! People shouldn't be allowed to give chocolates as gifts!

But I'm not blaming my family, in the end, the decision to eat that crap is mine, and I'm the one to blame!

This next week I'm going to restart eating right, I have to! I need to be able to do the 80Km non-stop, while not diminishing my lifts in the gym!

My current lifts are:

180Kg Squat for 6reps

120Kg Bench Press for 6 reps

170Kg Deadlift for 6 reps (this is a low one, but I don't want to damage my back)

Max cardio: 80Km hard to do / 40Km easy to do

Weight:120Kg (this needs to go down to 95Kg)

Size: 1.76m

I need to become bigger, slimmer, stronger, faster, and better!

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Cycling, Gym
175 cm
120 kg
Body Fat
