I'm back Hive! Back after 3 years... Life update

in Actifitlast year (edited)


Hello folks!

It's been a long long LONG time, I've been delaying writing a post for months now, and it's been 3 years since I wrote my last blog post... Wow, time flies by.

So, what have I been up to in these 3 years...

First, I changed my degree to software engineering.

I was studying Veterinary Medicine but after 7 years of trying and failing, I finally decided that it was time, I didn't enjoy or see the future in what I was studying. Every time I started studying I just wanted to go to bed lie down and not do anything... I even started watching movies and TV Shows instead of studying.

I spent 7 years studying Veterinary Medicine because I made the really bad mistake of listening to what other people told me instead of listening to myself. After so many years I finally decided to listen to myself.

Second, I finished Software Engineer and am now working!

Yup, not only did I change, but I also finished the degree already, I'm now starting my Master's degree while working at the same time, so I won't have that much time to write blog posts, I'm still unsure if I want to come back or not, I might just do this for fun from time to time, or I might switch to 3speaks and start doing video sessions. They are probably quicker and easier to do. Maybe a weekly portfolio update. Regardless...

I'm now working full-time as an iOS developer, using Swift, which I plan to write about in the future. I can't really talk about the project I'm now working on since I have a confidentiality agreement with the company, the only thing I can say is that I'm working for our enemies...LOL... the banks!

It's paying well but I plan to go much higher than this, I want to one day be a rich entrepreneur with a bunch of businesses and investments (a man needs dreams, right?).


You might be wondering, what about crypto?

Well... I still have my crypto, but had some small hiccups along the way.
I had around 50% of my portfolio in Celsius, so that is partially gone... but I don't plan to complain about that since there were people who had 100% of their portfolio in Celsius. Which is really bad. Especially people who were retirees who changed all their 401k to Celsius! One of them actually started speaking about the big S word on a live spaces call on Twitter. Simon Dixon was able to talk him down from doing it and calm him down.

I had the other 50% of my portfolio on an altcoin called WOO, but when this happened I knew I had to protect myself, the effect of FTX + LUNA + Celsius was going to put anything that was not on a Hardware Wallet at risk. So I divided those 50% in BTC and ETH and sent them to a hardware wallet.

I've been slowly buying more, especially now that I'm actually getting a salary.

I've also started buying Stocks, in my case an ETF that tracks the developed World called EUNL, which accumulates all dividends. It's still a small part of my portfolio, but I intend to grow it to at least 6 digits with time.

The last time I wrote I had stopped working out because I needed more money, I've since gone back to the gym, already lost a bunch of weight, and gained most of my strength back (440 pounds squat for 6 reps, 264 pounds bench press for 6 reps, 352 pounds deadlift), I still need to improve a lot, need to drop at least 20 pounds for me to be at the weight I like being and feel comfortable with.

What else... (damn I missed writing)

Oh! I got a dog! It's a Portuguese Water Dog, and she is amazing, crazy, but amazing nonetheless. Likes to sleep between my feet, wakes me up every morning, and plays like a puppy growling and barking at me to challenge me to play with her. The only hard part is that she seems to be a poop machine! 1,2,3...6,7,8...so much pooping!

What about going forward?

Well, like I mentioned, I don't know how it's going to be from now on, especially since I'm a student-worker who doesn't have that much time.

I don't know when I can write, I don't know what kind of content I'm going to create, I might start recording myself and go through my portfolio (no camera though, privacy is important, you guys don't need to see my face), or talk about Programming and the things I'm creating, or both I don't know... but that's the fun part, trying to figure out what kind of content I'm going to create.

I don't know but we will see... See you guys soon

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Aerobics, Gym
