
Thank you!

No, not because of the town. It was a village. However, the chosen way back down the mountain was via a road without a pedestrian path. It was already dark and some cars were driving very fast, and you couldn't always get out of the way because there were rocks. But I had a luminous band with me to inform the drivers that there were people there. Many were considerate and slowed down. I am very mindful and careful. Thank you for your concern. 😊

Have a good time and you, too

Be careful, my friend😮
During the winter, when hiking in the mountains is dangerous because of animals, we do a lot of “road”hiking ……
We always carry a couple flashlights not just for lighting the road, but so the cars can see us. We always hope they slow down. 😮

Yes you are so right! It was a little tour I didn't know before it began more as a walk and I was prepared. But next time I will be prepared even better because of you. Thank you so much for your advice. 🙏

We could have also take the same way back, if it had been to risky. I prefere thaking the longer but save way than the shorter and dangerous.

Also God tells as to take care for our life and our body.

Thank you again for your concern, my friend! 😊

Yes you are so correct it's better to take the longer trail and be safe!!😀