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RE: My Actifit Report Card: March 19 2020

in Actifit5 years ago

Banking challenges! There are drivethru ATMs, numerous walkup Bank ATMs, and deposit drop boxes for businesses here which make it convenient to do banking transactions without the assistance of tellers. For myself, and since I started stacking, I only use my regular bank for auto deposit of my paycheck and pay almost all bills online. It is not much so I take out most of my discretionary income in cash and hold my savings in cash too, just like the days of my great grandparents.
Be safe, my sweet sis! It is prudent to exercise social distancing while your city is not yet on shelter-in-place order. Take care, sis @elizabethbit 🥰🌺🤙and lots of love 😘❤️

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We are kind of the same way! I just wish our bank had not killed the drive thru last year; now I have to drive further until this virus thing passes and things get back to normal. Unfortunately, I think that's going to take quite some time given the state we are in. Social distancing isn't a problem for us; no church - no social, lol! Even when we hike with Jan, we all keep proper distancing. Work is impossible, but we are on a 'soft' open, meaning do doc and no exams. It's much less likely folks will just drop in to order glasses. Each time I take a pupil distance measurement, I am only 10-12" away from their face. Not where I want to be. Since I'm pretty much on my own for the next 1-2 weeks, I may revert to the old PD stick to measure, which gets me out of their personal space. The best is when it's already in their records. Or, I could just refuse I suppose. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Have a wonderful night, sweet sis!🤗🤗❤️🤗🤗