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RE: HOLY F!!! @actifit is on HIVE!

in Actifit4 years ago

Good day our brother. Forgive us if we have done that you dislike. Our real intention to preach and spread the words of God in the bible by any means as soon as possible. We are already in very dangerous times that I may never know if I will still be breathing tomorrow. This message is to encourage everyone to open their bible and read it. May God bless us all

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Don't preach on my content please. You are disrespecting me and everyone that you think it likes your religion.

Yes, you are disrespecting me because I kindly asked you to stop doing something that I don't like and you continue doing it on my posts. Freedom of speech is not the invasion of "I do whatever I want to do"... that's Anarchy. Freedom of speech is about being able to speak without being censored... And I am not censoring you... you are free to make your own posts and still spread the word you so much want.

But instead, because you don't respect people, and you just do whatever you want, you have no one following the purpose of your objectives. Which basically goes against what you are saying you are doing. So please stop it. I said already multiple times I don't want to hear from you. You can still scream out loud ... just don't do it next to me.

I am just kindly asking for you to stop abusing of your anarchy methodology of "enforcing" your freedom speech.

Also, I don't have a bible... nor I intend to have one. And I don't follow your religion. So again, please stop it.

Obeying? So you are a slave? I think you need to go back to STEEM... there you can obey the god of that blockchain. This blockchain does not have god mate.

Also, what you are doing is not persuading... is mass spamming... which in my view should be interpreted as a virus.

You think I am giving you an audience... but I am just collecting information. Keep going.