Nice Day, Better Sunset My Actifit Report Card: October 5 2023

in Actifitlast year

The colors aren’t as bright in this first one but the lake really pops.
I started the day nice and early today with a 5:30 am alarm. With my lovely wife @madame-cyntaia in the big city the last couple nights it’s been up to me to get the teenage kiddo up and moving for school in the morning. I usually work lunch shift straight through to dinner and then close up the restaurant, so I’m just getting home in time to send him to bed blow off some steam and crawl into bed myself. The problem with that is it’s hard to sleep after service, there’s an after buzz that has to wear off. Today I got rocked the moment I walked in the door but it slowed to a more mellow pace as the night wore on, and with a second server I got enough time to get a couple nice photographs of the evening sunset at three different times.

After all that beautiful sunset fades out it’s time for me to do the same. Aliveandthriving with cash in my pocket and the sunset on my mind it’s time to head home say good night to my kiddo call my wife and try to let the service buzz go, after all tomorrow is another school day!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Moving Around Office,Walking
All photographs and text by me @nomaddreamer have an awesome night and may the sports be with you!
