Wow! I hope you heal promptly! This is probably not a useful comment because you line in the US, but Israeli scientists showed that cannabis heals bones faster and better than natural healing. Unfortunately, you would need access to cannabis-derived product.
An Israeli study published in 2015 did find that a component of cannabis might help heal broken bones, but the treatment is not yet available. I discussed your question with Donald Abrams, M.D., an oncologist at the University of California, San Francisco Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, and an expert on medical cannabis.
Dr. Abrams says that cannabis might help decrease pain associated with a fracture, but at present, its role in accelerating bone healing is theoretical. He notes that the Israeli study was performed in rats with broken thighbones, not in people. We don’t yet know if the compound tested would be effective in treating human fractures.
Thank you so much for that information! I may have to try to find some! Heh. Wouldn't know how to go about it, but I bet my kids do. Thanks for the great info. Do you suppose CBD would do it?
It looks like Israeli scientists used CBD in their study.
CBD is not psychoactive, so you wouldn't get "high" from it. Here in Canada, where the stuff is legal, there are different brands with different levels of CBD concentration. The scientists used animals in their study, but given that humans also have a natural cannabinoid system, then it's possible that we also use them to heal from injuries. So, CBD extracted from the plant may also work on humans.
Thank you, @litguru. I do think I'm going to stop into a CBD shop and pick up some of that stuff!