My Actifit Report Card: March 27 2024

in Actifitlast year

My friends and I played a wet and windy round of disc golf this morning. I won with a +4 score to a +11 and +11. One of my friends was a bit grumpy at not having some of his throws go well. We've all been there and had a round where things don't go as planned. I can certainly understand how he felt.

I purchased a new Mamba disc with some of the scrip I earned in the recent tournaments. I have a hard time saving my scrip when there are nice discs to buy.

The Mamba disc is in Halo plastic, just like the Tern disc that I recently purchased. It is 168 grams and a bit lighter than the 171 gram pink Mamba that I usually throw. It is also a bit more stable. So stable, in fact, that it went out of bounds on me on one of the holes because I threw it like I would normally throw my older Mamba disc.

It seems like the Halo plastic has a bit better grip than Star plastic, but it is hard to tell. These are the first Halo plastic discs I have owned.

I'm not sure I need to bag two Mamba discs, but they do fly a lot differently. I think that once the Halo plastic Mamba beats in a little bit, it will be the distance winner.

There were a couple of deer out near one of the tee pads on the disc golf course today:

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S22 Ultra. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher..o
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Golf


Halo plastic is the shit. Plus they generally have a bad ass design.

Good lol. R-Pro plastic is my personal favorite

Is that good or bad? Lol. Anyhow I do like the plastic the best of Innova blends so far... Maybe some tree hits might change my mind but if it is anything like Star plastic it should be fine. DX and Pro both beat in too fast IMHO. Champion takes forever to beat in but is nice in the summer. GStar is nice on colder days but seems to be a little harder to control when hot.

12k activity report is very good and photography is so beautiful

playing glof with friends is definitely very exciting, you get good points, heheh your friends are a little annoyed it looks very funny,😁😁😆😆

Different disc definitely produce different flying results .........
Maybe the weather was getting your friend down, rain is no fun when we're all looking forward to sunshine😎

I always love the quality time always spent with friends. It is memorial

Your new album Mamba @lightsplasher seems interesting and you play it with a lot of ease, I think you have done very well, I hope you enjoy it. I wish you success. What did you think of the cold coffee with strawberries I prepared? Have a nice day.

This time you got closure shots of deer ...which is so beautiful 🤩

In my area there are lots of people who hunt deer. Because in the wild forests there are also many deer and village people usually go up to the mountains and look for deer. Because they can sell animals like deer when they get them. What about your area there, is it damaged and saved or can be taken by people who hunt deer.

Nice shot of a deer. I think it was unaware when you were capturing it. It's focus was to find food and eat. I am glad these creatures are not being hinted here but left to live their lives.

Good to see you hit over 12k walks.

These kinds of deer are very beautiful and we don't usually see such deer in zoos here. So they look pretty good.

You earn money from previous tournaments. Did you win the tournament??

I did get some scrip in the previous tournaments. As an amateur player, you can't get paid in cash or you will listed as a pro. You can spend the scrip in the Pro shop to purchase discs and other goodies. I keep wanting to save my scrip to get a new bag but I keep seeing new discs I want. In a tournament, the top 50% of the amateur players in each division get paid out in scrip. For pro players, I think it is something like the top 40% get paid in cash.

I passed your tournament. I am sorry. I've been too busy lately. Because my wife had an operation to give birth to my first child.

Success continues my brother, indeed sometimes we also understand about what is being felt by your friend who is a little upset today in playing golf, sometimes it can definitely be like that not according to what we want.
Oh no, I saw a deer around the golf course relaxing.


In fact, if any person is in a bad mood, then following your posts will make anyone feel better because you share with us photography from such beautiful nature, which definitely creates a different kind of cheerfulness in the mind. .

Deer is looking beautiful today at new golf location thanks for ur update @lightsplasher

I must commend you on your last tournament, you really did well and you deserve a better chance even with the pros

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