Postcards from Thailand #47: The Wall

in Actifit2 years ago

I just wanted a slightly sloped concrete threshold from the road into the yard. I wanted to do it myself...

...but no. There was a cousin who'd do it, only take 4 days and they'd replace the wall we took down when we started building the started snowballing!

So today stuff turned up. Metal, blocks, sand, cement and stone and off we went, starting with the rear for the two concrete pillars.

Followed by the formwork and the handmixed pour. Three hours they put in today, powered by limitless fans and can or two of beer but not a spirit level in sight.

I guess we'll see how stage 1 turned out tomorrow!

All good clean fun...

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Daily Activity, Walking


Not a spirit level in sight, nothing like going by instinct! :OD

'Builders eye' my old mate used to call it! Anyway if it was actually perfectly straight, it would be easier to see howbfar off the house is!

Aye, you don't want that contrast!!
