Lol... Here we are... All the way from 'A' going to 'Z' and I'm already in "W". Almost done with 'the stuff you know" 😂
Man, how can you be so active on the chain and still be inactive - so to speak? 😂
We know! You have been busy doing great things for everyone here and I'm glad to always be one of those that join your projects. Thanks for everything you are doing and thanks for helping us reconnect with our followers. Hehe.
What you have up here is a full adventure with your little one. Never had one of those with anyone in my family, but I understand the importance of bonding.
These memories are evergreen.
Thanks @wil.metcalfe ✌️.
Hahahaha! Yep! Inactive… and yet so active right?! 😆
But there’s big work to do on the blockchain… so for me to remain at integrity with myself… it means stopping something’s so that I can start others!
Thank you for being along for the Comet ride Kene! I have really enjoyed watching you shine bright in the comments and I gotta say… you stand out in a crowd because of your authenticity in engaging with people wide and far! 🤩
Congratulations on #Ping’ing your followers from ‘A’ to ‘Z’! I did notice that you were working alphabetically! That’s also how I was able to track how close you were to working your way through your list! Nicely done! 🙌
Now all we gotta do is wait for those #Ping’s to convert into #Ping Backs! Doesn’t it sort of feel like your putting a seed in the ground? 🌱 You never know what will come from all of this effort to connect! I’m so proud of you (all)!
Speaking of evergreen…
Thank you for making such a wonderful comment on this post! We are all making magic happen by being intentional and authentic! ☄️
I wish you many happy memories with your loved ones! May they be the magic that bonds you together in the most meaningful ways into the future!
And Kene…
Thank you for your friendship!
You and I are truly cut from the same cloth my brother!
Comet Ranker@wil.metcalfe
Yeah Man.... A Ping Back just dropped in 😂😂😂.
Thanks Buddy.
While I wait for more ping backs, I must say that I already feel like a great achiever after connecting with many people on the channel. It awkwardly feels good to see my VP dropping. Hahah. Seriously, it was fun. I enjoyed it.
Thanks for the opportunity to do this again. This Virtual space has more in store for us and for more people.
Carry on Bro... Have fun doing your stuff. Heheh. I would have to push in all my pings (🔴 & 🟥) before going to bed - Timezone... Hehe.
Have fun over there ✌️
I’ll be watching for your #Ping Reports to come flocking home like homing pidgins! Hahaha! 😆
I’m so glad that you threw your whole self into this! It really is so satisfying (and fun!) to know that you left it all on the line like this!
You send in those Mission Reports! 🤩
…and I’ll get busy processing them before more come flooding in! 🙌
Today is going to be a busy one! 😅
By the way! Don’t forget! You can also send in your single #Ping’s to earn Comet Tokens! This is also important to get the complete picture of what your social is looking like! I know that’s a lot to do… but you made it this far… and reports are quick and easy! 🤞
Yeah.. lemme drop it in immediately.
Will leave maybe 3% of those and hope for a ping back within the next 3 - 4 hours before completing my report.
Tactically this is a solid plan! 💪