Nice Activity Count Record for the Day.

in Actifit4 months ago


Yooo... We are very close to the end of the day!

I sure took my sweet time to write this... Right at the final phase of the day. The reason for that will be obvious once you get to the end of this Actifit Report.


This is the Actifit report, which I just can't overlook because I got some really high numbers in my Actifit activity count for the day. I got about 6k activity count two days ago, but I was way too busy to draft a post with that. However, for today's edition, I just had to have my activity on record on my page onchain.

My day unsurprisingly started with a few things that I had to do online. I already knew that I had to go offline by noon because of some real-life commitment. So, I devoted the first half of my day to writing on a particular prompt, which is still in my draft. I also read a few articles on another platform before hopping on two calls.

By noon, I paused the things I was doing online and channeled my energy to general home cleaning. I'm sure y'all know about the "Cleanliness - Godliness" quote.


I did a thorough toilet cleaning, bathroom cleaning, and cleaning of every corner of my apartment. I also made multiple trips downstairs to fetch water and refill my water container. By the time I finished all that, the only other thing I still had to do was to wash up, dress up afterward, and go to the market.

The price hike is as ridiculous as ever!


I expected the price of things to be high. So, I overshot my budget for most of the things I needed to buy. Despite that, the prices I got for most items were still higher than my overshot budget. I just had to focus on getting the things I really need.

I did a few aerobics when I came back, backed it up with a few pushups, and washed up before eating Noodles.

About my Actifit activity count from today's activity, the stats are below 👇

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking
