Yeah! I touched grass this evening.24

in Actifit14 days ago

Allo... Hope y'all are having a dazzling week. Mine has been an interesting adventure, both on Web3 and in real life.

Today, in particular, has me hooked on a call from 11am to 2pm. A huge portion of the time spent on the call was devoted to discussing with an asset who could potentially take up the role of a Community Manager for a Web3 MVP that's about to go live.

I've been hopping on several Exec calls and also hosting my Web3 X space series on Twitter. In addition to that, I've also been reviewing a lot of files on Figma. One of those is the draft of the Whitepaper of a Web3 project I'm partnered with.

A lot more details about this project will be coming to y'all when I'm free to write some stuff and have it published. For now, lemme give you a little info on my Actifit report for the day.


I touched grass this evening!


One of the things I needed to get to support the work I currently do is an earbud. I've always been an earphone fan but earbud is more efficient if I'm going to be on calls for a huge portion of each day.

So, I decided to go get that this evening and I spent 20k Naira to get one that's fit for purpose. I spent the rest of the evening having quality time with my lady.

I also used this as an opportunity to restock my home with the necessary items. So, this day was filled with a good blend of online and IRL activity.

That's it though.

I just came online to give y'all this update before running off to do a few things offline. Eating is surely one of those things.

C'ya later.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is mine, taken with my phone camera.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


You must have really had a very choky day