Okay, since we are in conversation, I will share this:
What you are doing is SPAM.
Spam is putting the same comment on many different posts, without regard to the content that you are commenting on.
We are here to build community and support one another. This means we actually follow each other, read one another's content, and support their content with comments and upvotes.
You are supporting no one. You are blasting out your own mission, which no one wants to hear.
If we want to hear preaching we will go to CHURCH. That is the choice of every individual.
You know what else spam is? It's just like RAPE. Rape is assaulting someone who does not consent to what you are doing to them. We do NOT consent to what you are doing. We have told you this by downvoting your comments. I hope that helps you understand how VERY VERY WRONG it is to do what you are doing. So STOP.
Clearly, being downvoted all to hell (yes I said HELL) has had no effect on your terrible terrible practices, so bigger measures will need to be taken until you STOP.
I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but "it's all fun and games until someone pisses me off," as they say.
Bigger measures will be taken. We will round up the forces of our very amazing community. We will start dumping images of the devil and piles of shit on your spam until you STOP RAPING US.
Now, as I was saying about the bunnies and the kitties....
Okay, since we are in conversation, I will share this:
You know what else spam is? It's just like RAPE. Rape is assaulting someone who does not consent to what you are doing to them. We do NOT consent to what you are doing. We have told you this by downvoting your comments. I hope that helps you understand how VERY VERY WRONG it is to do what you are doing. So STOP.
Clearly, being downvoted all to hell (yes I said HELL) has had no effect on your terrible terrible practices, so bigger measures will need to be taken until you STOP.
I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but "it's all fun and games until someone pisses me off," as they say.
Bigger measures will be taken. We will round up the forces of our very amazing community. We will start dumping images of the devil and piles of shit on your spam until you STOP RAPING US.
Now, as I was saying about the bunnies and the kitties....