Yesterday was a cloudy afternoon that I spent working all day from 8 in the morning to 8 at night with just over 10,000 steps.
We keep moving with ACTIFIT 🏃
Ayer una tarde nublada que la pasé laborando todo el día de 8 de la mañana a 8 de la noche con poco más de 10,000 pasos.
Seguimos en movimiento con ACTIFIT 🏃
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
10k steps it's really good 👍
Forward ever and backward never, that’s the spirit friend.
10 K steps count today, it is awesome and appreciated. good job❤️❤️❤️
Some days we had a lot of tasks to do, great you accomplished some stuff, and also got 10k steps, greetings friend.
Wow! 10k steps .... nice 👍