“You Can Be a Millionaire, Too” ?! / 「あなたも億り人になれる」?! - My Actifit Report Card: December 26 2024

in Actifit2 days ago (edited)



Today was a relatively warm day and I walked a lot.

First, I went to the post office to pay my husband's inhabitant tax. In principle, we are supposed to pay the inhabitant's tax by bank transfer, but we pay it by payment slip (and since my husband forgets it easily, I only go to the post office to pay it on his behalf). We paid the tax due at the end of January next year today, and it feels good.

The damned thing is that the inhabitant tax, income tax, health insurance premiums, and pension premiums are all very expensive! I'm really not satisfied that there is no withdrawal mechanism for health insurance and pension 😩 I wonder if they could at least let me quit the pension and manage it by myself...

I think about this every time I go to pay inhabitant tax... I should probably use a bank account transfer since it's bad for my mental health, I don't know.

Well, after that, I went to a temple for the first time in a long time. It is a small temple with a cemetery on the same site. When I looked at my feet, I was surprised to see a large citrus fruit with a bumpy skin that looked like a pumpkin. What are these oranges... sick?

I took a picture of the citrus and went home to check it out. It seems to be a type of fruit called “Shishi Yuzu” or “Oni Yuzu” and it was not sick😅 It was written that it was mostly skin and few fruits.

I also like this Jizo. It looks like a Mizuko Jizo (a guardian deity for the spirits of aborted children), but it has a gentle expression that soothes me.

Finally, I decided to stop by a convenience store and go home.

Today I was curious about the magazine "サンキュ!"(which means "Thank you"), so I bought it. I rarely read magazines, but "サンキュ!" is the only magazine that interests me, so I buy it about three times a year. Its contents that interest me, such as decluttering, easy recipes, dieting, saving money, savings, and so on. It is what is called a "housewife magazine".

I have the impression that there is a lot of information in there that can improve our lives with a little ingenuity and a change of mindset. I like that it is full of ideas like, "Oh, I can do that too".

However, I was a bit surprised to see a separate supplement this time, "You Can Be a Millionaire, Too!"...

I didn't think "サンキュ!" would deal with such a theme 😂 Until now, it has been "You can save 1 million JPY (about $6,365) in a year!" or (around fall) "Let's save 100,000 yen within this year!" or something like that...but now it's finally "millionaires"?? I feel like the level has suddenly gone up.

Well, it is the end of the year, and this may be an interesting feature to think about money planning for next year and beyond. In fact, I am aware that I have been wasting a lot of money and have been taking myself off the road to becoming a "millionaire". I would like to read this month's issue and reflect on it carefully🫡

I am happy to walk more than 9,000 steps today in pleasant, not-too-cold weather!




それにしても、住民税も所得税も健康保険料も年金も、全部高いですねー!特に健康保険と年金に脱退のしくみがないのは本当に納得がいかない気持ちです😩せめて年金だけでも辞めさせてもらって、自分たちで管理させてもらえないかな… なんてことを、住民税を納めに行く度に思ってます(精神衛生上悪いので口座振替にした方がいいのかな😅)


何このみかん… 病気?と、とりあえず写真を撮って帰宅後に調べたところ、どうやら「獅子柚子」とか「鬼柚子」と呼ばれる種類の果物で、病気ではなかったみたいです。ほとんど皮で、実は少ないらしいですが。









This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io



Healthcare and taxes are very expensive in the Netherlands as well, I guess it's the same for every developed country 🤨 My wife and me pay €360 monthly for just the health insurance

Health insurance premiums are about the same here. We rarely go to the hospital, so it seems very expensive to us...I know it's a very nice system to have when we have a serious illness, though.😭

Yeah, I never had anything serious but needed surgery last year... I saw the bill to my insurance company, €17.000 😱

Wow, €17,000 for surgery! 🤯
That really shows the value of having insurance, even if the monthly premiums feel high.
I hope you're fully recovered now!

Crazy, right? Yes I have 😀




ベネッセなのですね・・・!そこにもびっくりです。電子版があったので注文してみました。旅行から帰ってきて休養日なので、億り人特集で勉強します 💪 1月号にも「資産2倍!にする最強ルート教えます!」と書いてあって危うく両方買ってしまいそうになりました 😁 主婦雑誌って、小さい頃に美容院で週刊女性が置いてあって時々読んでみたことはあったものの、実は自分で買うの初めてな気がします。ドキドキ!

so will you be millionaire?

I want to be a Millionaire!

you can be a millionaire. i think this is doable?? one million yen :d


In Japan, people with 100 million yen are called Millionaires.
I want to be, but I don't know how to 😂😂
