Tomorrow is the field day at my second son's preschool. In order to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, parents are not allowed to attend the event this year as well.
I went to the supermarket to buy ingredients for tomorrow's bento lunch. My second son wanted grapes for dessert for tomorrow's lunch. When I looked at the price of a Shine Muscat Grape at the supermarket, it was about 1,600 yen. It was too expensive, so I bought seedless Kyoho grapes for about half that price.
I walked to the supermarket in the light rain, and could exceed 5,000 steps.
お弁当になるので、材料を買いに行ってきました。次男から、デザートは葡萄で!との注文を受けています。シャインマスカットの値段を見たら、1,600円ほど… ちょっと高過ぎるので、その半額程度の種なし巨峰を買いました。
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