October 28 2024 - Life is

in Actifit5 months ago

Life is repetition.

Wake up
Go to sleep


Basically, that's it. But it's hard. The trick for me now is how to get enough sleep. Even though I'm really tired when I go to bed and my intention is to sleep, my brain has a different idea. Actually, several ideas. My brain thinks it's a good idea to start processing everything that has happened during the day, yesterday, last week, month, and actually last decade and also what I should and could do tomorrow and the upcoming days and also if I had no financial or physical limitations, owned several houses and estates in different countries, had ten super cars, a hot air balloon and the world's largest bouncy castle, could talk with animals, could fly, be invisible and breath underwater and in space and if I should get up right now and do all the stuff that my brain is pondering about.

Sleeping is hard sometimes.

"Why don't you try meditating?"

I have. But if my brain says no, it's a no for sleep. And sometimes meditating just makes things worse. Even more ideas.

But I know that at some point I will sleep. When my brain allows me. Then.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Cycling, Dancing, Stretching, Weight Lifting


Falling asleep can be hard my friend sounds like you are energized at night!😄
With over 11 K @actifit steps you certainly are staying healthy! Have a restful sleep tonight!😄

Thank you! I think my brain did let me sleep a little bit better. Only there's one thing, I have cats and one of them had acute diarrhea and I had to wash the floors in the middle of the night. Thank goodness we don't have that many or large carpets. 😁

Life just doesn't want to let me sleep enough hours.

I better take a nap so that I don't loose my mind completely.

We have had cats that have had that problem as well, I wish I knew what caused the diarrhea …

I think this was just a one time incident. At least the cat seems to be fine now. So I'm hoping next night will be a good and very sleepy night for me.

That’s good to hear, have a good night sleep tonight!👍😊

...but if there are bedbugs that bite? 😁

Ouch Lol😇🤣
