I saw an episode of a sitcom years ago, where a man went into a diner, ran into another person physically and said some mean things. The bad mood stayed with that person, and she passed it onward down the line, affecting person after person.
You have the right idea.....we are all WIP's and it can be hard. Think of the grumpy customer as the stone tossed into the pond. The waves sent out affect others, and in turn, each of us create our own waves. I always try to remember that we have no idea what is going on in another person's life. Unfortunately, we often become the doormat for others. Grace is all we can offer and letting their actions or words flow over and off of us like a duck in the water.
Someday, others will wake up as to how they treat their fellow man. Beautiful pictures, by the way!
Excellent job with your 11153 @actifit steps for the day! Take care and have a wonderful day!
Sorry for a late response... I really like your comparison with a stone and waves... I t is indeed like that... I would like to be more like those "foam beds"... When you sit on one side, other side stays intact... :)
I at times, struggle with this too. It's all part of being a WIP. Take care my friend!