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RE: My farming activity is in danger || My Actifit Report Card: March 31 2021

in Actifit4 years ago

Oh my, I had no idea things were that bad, my friend. I too, have often wondered why we are destined to repeat history over and over again, when oftentimes, you would think we would learn from the first go round. Unfortunately, greedy people will always try to take what they believe they are entitled to or simply, just want. It's sad to murder, rape and pilage people for their own pleasure and gain.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 states: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

I will pray for you and your countrymen's safety; for your families and villages as well. May the protection of God be with you always and keep you safe, my brother!

Please be careful! Your sister, in Christ