Gordon flowers plus trains plus acorns : December 16 2024

in Actifit3 months ago

Have a couple of steamy days lining up. Chose to spend the first one mostly at home. My wife headed out early for an appointment and came back to work from home for the day. Used my day pinning down sone tax return work - did UK taxes and started work on Australian returns - a bit behind

Went out late to post the UK tax return when temperature started to drop - white plumbago in our garden

Blue plumbago on the way up the road - the flowers on the ground are in focus

Handbag in the charity shop window. I dropped it off on Thursday for my wife

Walked across the bridge above the station - 3 trains in place. One on the right heading north to Newcastle. The other two heading to Sydney

We watched a Father Brown episode last week with one of these acorns falling off a roof

Banana fruiting down a lane - when is the time to come back to nick a few?

Yellow lily - fab contrasts in colour

This is a tough photo challenge - getting focus is hard work

Not sure about this creeper - maybe a begonia or a passion fruit

Trade action: Scaled in to a few ASX uranium stocks in one portfolio - BOE.AX, PDN.AX, PEN.AX, SLX.AX

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking
183.0 cm
90.0 kg
Body Fat


You photography flower always very beautiful 😍..I love this flower

Blue plumbago flowers are very beautiful and special. 7k steps count today, not less. Hopefully the next day will be better.

Bananas like that on the street where you can freely grab them? Wow that's cool


Seeing bananas bearing fruit reminds me of the banana tree in my yard, unfortunately that tree is now dead.