Actifit Updates - Notifications & More

in Actifitlast year


We are excited to bring another round of Actifit updates.
Recently we pushed a lot of seamless changes to your web and mobile experience, whereby updates came through without the need for you to manually adjust your app version.

One of the most essential updates we pushed recently has to do with notifications. Although Actifit already supports notifications via web and mobile, yet we had limited types available, and we wanted to expand on that to cover essential types we find useful for users, but also ones which are not covered by any other front-ends AFAWK.

We do recommend that you edit your settings (via web or android app - ios needs a fix push to make all the new types available) and save your settings to benefit from all the new features.

Up until today and based on our latest updates, Actifit supports the below categories of notifications

So from the above list, you can notice 4 new categories added to the list, namely the last 4:

  • HE Tokens: getting notified whenever you receive a transfer of liquid or staked tokens in hive-engine.

  • Mentions: getting notified whenever someone mentions your name, except if it was you who did the mention.

  • Payment: while this is an existing category, we added a lot of additional types into it. This includes receiving author rewards, curation rewards, beneficiary rewards, and offchain AFIT payments. Additionally, we added notifications such as when your delegation returns after cancellation, but also when your power down completes its weekly cycle, or when your market order gets filled, among others.

  • Votes: getting notified whenever someone votes your post

  • Reblog: getting notified whenever someone reblogs your post.

  • Actifit web landing page image: We have changed the main landing screen image to a fresher new look

  • Explore page: Fix loading issue for non-logged in users + Add liketu as a default community

  • Wallet: fixed bug with interest rate display for certain cases.

  • Adjust communities and explore logo icons

Support our Work

As always, we would love to hear your feedback about those new improvements and any suggestions you would have.

Actifit team


Ever thought about adding some sort of growth wallet for AFIT tokens where we can stake them and earn interest?

Thanks @titusfrost for your feedback.

Keeping AFIT tokens in your wallet in is some sort of staking, since moving them out of the wallet to hive-engine/tribaldex is a daily process (max 10k per day), while keeping them boosts your user rank and increases your rewards.

We tried to use a different approach than the usual staking.
If you have specific suggestion we're happy to consider it in the future.

So essentially the almost 420K AFIT I am holding in my wallet is actually better than staking then because I post daily and that helps improve my post rewards? Cool. Just keep it that way.

We do recommend that you edit your settings (via web or android app - ios needs a fix push to make all the new types available) and save your settings

On the web, where can I adjust these settings? I am getting far too many notifications but I can't find the option in the UI to adjust the notification settings.

just head over to, scroll down and choose the ones you would like to be notified about
