Hello friends of hive today I am going to present a creative work of art with few materials and very economical that we have in our house
Los materiales empleados en mi obra fueron los que acontinuacion les describo:
- Piedritas de jardin
- Hoja blanca
- Pistola de silicon
- Un viejo porta retrato
- Unas ramitas secas
- Un pincel
- Algunas pinturas
The materials used in my work were those that I describe below:
- Garden stones
- White sheet
- Silicone gun
- An old portrait holder
- A few dry twigs
- A brush
- Some paintings
Primero retocamos nuestro marco de foto con pintura blanca
First, we touch up our photo frame with white paint
Trazamos unas lineas con nuestro pincel y un poco de pintura negra sobre nuestra hoja blanca
We draw some lines with our brush and a little black paint on our white sheet
Now we place the white sheet in our portrait frame and we begin to shape our work by placing the first pebbles, gluing them with the silicone gun and thus we will shape a family painting
Then we will stick a piece of a dry twig that we have cut so that it fits in our photo and simulates a little house
We will complete the silhouette of our house in our work and it will almost be ready, we add some small hearts with pieces of red cardboard
And come here our finished work, I hope you like my creativity I say goodbye until a new opportunity, English is not my native language, use Deepl, to translate, all images were taken with my Blues Studio X9 phone.