Fin da giovane sono stato attratto dall’arte nelle sue molteplici espressioni, della ricerca del bello, dell’armonia, della forma che si fonde con la funzione. Dell’architettura ho amato quella razionalista sviluppatasi in Europa tra le due guerre e quindi, i maestri dell'architettura Mies Van Der Roue, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier e Gropius.
La pittura l’ho praticata fino alla fine dagli anni ‘90, poi accantonata parzialmente per la professione. Ho avuto un maestro, Lucio Castagneri, di cui parlerò in un prossimo post e l’ammirazione di due grandi maestri del ‘900, Giorgio de Chirico e Renato Guttuso, decisamente agli antipodi, due mondi diversissimi di concepire la pittura e di loro penso di parlarne nel prosieguo.
Mi interessa l’archeologia e mi affascinano le nuove scoperte, rimango ogni volta piacevolmente stupito dei continui ritrovamenti nelle Domus romane di Pompei. Affreschi di eccellente pittura, che emergono miracolosamente sotto detriti lavici, che per qualità pittorica, ritroveremo solo dopo duemila anni, nel Rinascimento italiano.
Di recente ho scritto il mio primo libro “Mondi che si incontrano" edizioni Youcanprint - anno 2022, nei nove capitoli che lo compongono si parla anche di Etruschi e tombaroli e si parla di Didia la giovane donna protagonista dei dipinti parietali della Casa dei misteri a Pompei.
Mi fermo qui. Spero che i prossimi post siano meritevoli di interesse.
Since I was young, I have been attracted to art in its many expressions, the search for beauty, harmony, and the form that merges with function. I have loved the rationalist architecture that developed in Europe between the two wars and therefore, the masters of architecture Mies Van Der Roue, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier, and Gropius.
I practiced painting until the late '90s, then partially set aside for the profession. I had a master, Lucio Castagneri, whom I will talk about in a future post, and the admiration of two great masters of the 20th century, Giorgio de Chirico and Renato Guttuso, decidedly at opposite poles, two very different worlds in conceiving painting, and I think I will talk about them further.
I am interested in archaeology, and I am fascinated by new discoveries; I am pleasantly surprised every time by the continuous findings in the Roman Domus of Pompeii. Frescoes of excellent painting, which miraculously emerge under lava debris, which for pictorial quality, we will find again only after two thousand years, in the Italian Renaissance.
Recently, I wrote my first book “Worlds that meet" published by Youcanprint - year 2022, in the nine chapters that compose it, there is also talk of Etruscans and tomb raiders and we talk about Didia the young woman protagonist of the wall paintings of the House of Mysteries in Pompeii.
I'll stop here. I hope the next posts will be worthy of interest.
Hello Friends of Hive, evidently in my first post, the initial introduction, in which I greeted the community expressing my intention to write mainly about painting and literature, not as a critic or a professional, but as an art enthusiast, according to @phage93, a valuable guide in the world of Hive, was not enough to make me known in the community. I take the advice to provide more information about myself by saying that I am an architect, now for many years, and I am involved in projects for the urban redevelopment of the outskirts of Rome.
Welcome to Hive! Hope you will enjoy your stay here. :D
Welcome to the best web3 network ever. Have fun around here!
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