Life in the nines of Venus.

There are some scientific debates that it would be worth bringing the two parties in conflict together, putting them in an auditorium and seeing how they argue, throwing away data, testing computer simulations, a scientific combat and one of the best debates that there is today is about the possible existence of life in the clouds of venus.

In September 2020 a team of researchers from Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States had detected phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus, phosphine is a gas that could be an indicator of the presence of life forms and here on earth phosphine , which by the way is a toxic gas, is produced almost exclusively by anaerobic microorganisms, but it is almost, since there is a percentage of phosphine whose origin is geological activity.

Venus is very similar to the earth, it could be logical that there were volcanoes, but affirming it is very complicated, since the planet's atmosphere is so dense that it is very difficult to study its surface, really direct images of the ground of Venus we only have those of waves Soviet scallops that were sent between the 1960s and 1980s, the rest of the images of the surface of Venus are radar scans, such as those taken by the Magellan probe in the 1990s,
Great work
Excellent publication, super interesting I love it.
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