Life in the nines of Venus.

in Discovery-it4 years ago

Life in the nines of Venus.


There are some scientific debates that it would be worth bringing the two parties in conflict together, putting them in an auditorium and seeing how they argue, throwing away data, testing computer simulations, a scientific combat and one of the best debates that there is today is about the possible existence of life in the clouds of venus.

On the surface of Venus it is ruled out that there is life due to the high temperatures, pressure and toxic gases, but in the clouds there is still a small margin of hope, especially in the upper layers where there is less acid and the temperature and pressure are they approximate those that we could find the earth's surface.


In September 2020 a team of researchers from Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States had detected phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus, phosphine is a gas that could be an indicator of the presence of life forms and here on earth phosphine , which by the way is a toxic gas, is produced almost exclusively by anaerobic microorganisms, but it is almost, since there is a percentage of phosphine whose origin is geological activity.

In mid-July another team of scientists published a new study on the subject stating that these traces of phosphine could be due not to Venusian life forms, but to volcanic eruptions, according to these researchers the planet has an active explosive volcanism in the present or perhaps had it in the very recent past.


Venus is very similar to the earth, it could be logical that there were volcanoes, but affirming it is very complicated, since the planet's atmosphere is so dense that it is very difficult to study its surface, really direct images of the ground of Venus we only have those of waves Soviet scallops that were sent between the 1960s and 1980s, the rest of the images of the surface of Venus are radar scans, such as those taken by the Magellan probe in the 1990s,

The study that has been published this month suggests that under the court of Venus in its deep mantle there could be phosphorous compounds, called phosphors that would be expelled into the atmosphere through the planet's volcanoes, but be careful not in normal eruptions, they would be needed explosive eruptions, such as the Krakatoa or those that originate supervolcanoes such as Yellowstone.

Once in the atmosphere these phosphors would react with sulfuric acid and produce phosphine, but Clara Sousa-Silva astro quantum chemistry of the Harvard Smithsonian center for astrophysics and one of the authors of the phosphine discovery in September last year, counterattacked and assured that this process would not necessarily generate phosphine and this is the panorama of this debate, looking for the possibility of life in the clouds of Venus we have reached phosphine and from phosphine to the possibility that there are super volcanoes in Venus that are active or that They became active not long ago, who will be right? In this debate, more data is needed and that a ship is sent to Venus, after all, Venus is the closest planet to Earth.


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