I'm sorry to hear about your problems with the HBD - that aint great. For info, when I transfer between chains/Exchanges, I tend to use LTC - its cheap and fast. I've not done huge amounts with it - maybe 200 HIVE or so, but its worked well and come in as swap.LTC. I dont know if thats an option for you with BSC ?
It sounds like you did fantastic with your traditional investments - thats great !
Oh - and for info I landed two nice bottles within my xmas presented. A bushmills original and a Jack Daniels single barrel select ! I was pretty happy with those two.
Heres hoping you all the best for 2024 when it comes !
Cheers @hoosie
Thanks, I wish the same to you as well. I will have to keep that in mind with LTC. I think part of the problem is we don't have many exchanges in the US to work with anymore. That single barrel select is good stuff. One of my favorites for sure!