another user on here posted some gameplay and I ended up buying this one as well even though I don't actually play a lot of videogames. I can say that I "kind of" like it but it does seem very grindy and I don't think that is going to appeal to me very much. I am also playing on a console and think it would be substantially more usable on a PC but I don't have high end PC's anymore and am not going to join that rat race again.
I made it to act 2 the other day, I really enjoyed the boss at the end of Act one, that was quite poetic and nice. He was tough and whipped my ass a few times before I had him figured out. I later went back to face him again around level 30 or so and the tables had turned. I whipped his ass without really even trying.
I think one of the main issues I have with it is is that the tabs, your stash and what not, isn't very easy to navigate with a controller. I presume you are playing it on PC?
Yes, I am playing on a PC. I had to have someone help me against the boss in Act I. I am not a very patient gamer. I don't do well on consoles either for whatever reason. I was fine back with the Nintendo and PS2, but now there are just so many buttons and stuff. I just hit level 30 the other day. I'm looking forward to getting through the main storyline and starting the end game content.
Yeah, I agree with this. If a game I am playing uses all the buttons there is a very good chance that I am going to forget them and since I can't dedicate a lot of time to any one particular game, once I forget I don't really feel like re-learning it and then will just give up and likely never play it again.
I totally understand. I've been playing a lot of Civ IV lately on my computer at home. I remember back when I was playing Witcher 3, that had a ton of keys you needed to use on the keyboard.