The Best of Discovery-it #751

Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?
Stock images: Photography Oil and water blend
The result of today’s photo session by khairamuliani is simply amazing! “The main ingredients I used were water, oil, a plain white bowl and a used VCD to create an interesting color effect like a rainbow […] The trick is to put a used VCD at the bottom and place a bowl on top of it then pour water and a little oil, stir until it creates beautiful small granules. And prepare your camera to capture interesting pictures from various angles” the artist said. Don’t miss this interesting selection!

by @joseluis91
In this beautiful post by joseluis91 you can find an artistic work representing a lady in a piece of wood. The materials are very easy: wood, hacksaw, silicone, pencil, paint and wire. In the post you can also appreciate all the steps of realization. What a beautiful result!

Dark Side of the Electric Moon
by @neilru75
In this beautiful post neilru75 shares with us some interesting photos with a rainbow effect. “Shot again in lockdown these were simply shots of an ornate lightbulb that I bought sat on my Kindle with a few different patterns to see if/how the light and reflections would work on the filament and reflections. I think the Rainbow pattern is my favourite simply because its such a clean image with neat clean lines” the photographer said. The results are simply beautiful!

Monomad: 18 Postcards of Belgrano's Barrancas Square [ENG/ESP]
If you’re passionate about travels and photography, you shouldn’t miss this new post by dimascastillo90. The author brings us to discover Belgrano’s barrancas square. “Where is the recognized round church to which I took a picture in the foreground focusing on the vegetation that surrounds it and in the background its dome…” this is how the description starts. Don’t miss it!


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Thank you very much for the mention 👍