Another dance with the lady and other random stuff

in Discovery-it4 days ago


Like a lot of people across the world last night, @mrsbozz and I hopped in the car and went for a drive to see the Northern Lights. People who follow the Aurora Borealis have come to refer to her as Lady Aurora and on the occasions you get to see her, they say you are dancing with her. Hence the title of this post.

The geomagnetic storm that hit us over the past 24 hours is one of the largest I have seen in a while. Apparently, we are in a bit of a "supercycle" right now as far as solar activity and its impact on the Earth. Between the amazing show we had back in May and this one last night, I think @mrsbozz can finally check this item off her bucket list.

I have a mess of photos I tried taking in RAW format to see what I can do in terms of editing them. Wish me luck as I have never done that before.


Once I knew this storm was coming, I was watching the numbers as closely as I do the crypto markets. There are two key numbers you want to look at and there are many Aurora apps out there that will tell you what your current numbers are. If you don't want to install an app, you can go to the NOAA Space Weather Site.

Basically, you want KP to be high and BZ to be low. Before the sun even set last night the KP was north of 8 and the BZ was down around -50. Since I have been following the aurora, I have never seen numbers like that.

If the sun would have set at 3 PM we would have been seeing the aurora. It was so intense it pretty much lasted well into the night and into this morning as well. As I post this the KP is at over 7 in my area and the BZ is right around zero, I think that will change during the day and we might get a show again tonight.


Speaking of numbers, it is Friday, so it is only appropriate that I include some finance content in this post.

finance Friday.png

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

SEC doing SEC Things

Someone in one of my social channels shared this post yesterday where one of the SEC commissioners was basically saying "we screwed up". Whether or not any changes come from this remains to be seen. In fact, this guy breaking away from the typical Gensler rhetoric could find him in the unemployment line.

My hope is that the crypto lobby is getting powerful enough at this point that we shouldn't need to worry about it too much. I see a lot of folks thinking the coming US election is going to have a huge impact on the crypto prices. I think it might in the short term, but in the long run, crypto is going to do crypto things just like the SEC has been doing SEC things.

As I said, I think the lobby is going to be putting pressure on whichever party gains control and hopefully we will see some positive movement forward either way.

FBI Creating Crypto

One of the other big stories this morning comes via the FBI and the fact that they apparently created the crypto NexFundAI so they could better understand how pump and dumps work. I don't think any of us would ever argue that price manipulation is definitely a thing. Additionally, the fact that governments have been playing around with crypto (likely longer than they would like you to believe) isn't that shocking either.

It only makes sense they would want to understand something so fundamentally disruptive. Here is one of the articles about it if you want to read more.

I do think it is funny that the use the word "secretly" in the article at all, because as we all know most blockchain is pretty transparent, so eventually, everything will come to light for the people who know what to look for.

Fireworks Ahead

No matter what happens moving forward, like the sky last night, I think it is safe to say we are in for some fireworks ahead. Personally, I'll be happy when the election is over November and we can focus on a path forward (whatever that looks like). Will it be peaceful? Will it be civil war? How long exactly is it going to drag out?

Just like with crypto and medical issues, sometimes the waiting is worse than the actual thing you are waiting for.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


So crazy how many people are getting to see the norther lights where they shouldn't be. Makes ya wonder a bit lol

I think like a lot of things in nature it is relatively cyclical. The Carrington event that took place back in 1859 probably seemed sus to them as well. Either way, it's been pretty awesome.

So cool you got out to see it
I must look for an app now you have told me the numbers to look for

There are a ton of them out there. I think just about everybody you talk to uses a different one.

I found one that seems OK, will keep it on my phone for the next time they happen

That was great you had the experience of the Aurora borealis.

l do not like to wait as well, especially, for a thing that is better lf concluded for us to focus on another thing.

The editing was great, and you nailed it.

Thanks, I appreciate it. Hopefully we don't have to wait too much longer!

You are welcome 🥰🙏

Hmmm its great for Partners to spend time together, an impress you still do that to mrzboss that will surely rekindle the love day after day

Thanks, I appreciate that. She was tired and just wanted to be in bed, but she got some really good photos from it.

I bet she did it was a beautiful scene

Wow, I thought you must be far to the North to see it. Beyond the Polar Circle.

No, the storms have been so intense lately that they are sometimes seeing lights as far south as the Tropic of Cancer. It is nuts. In many places up north you actually have to look south to see them because they are dipping down that far!

Thanks @bozz! Been looking for a site to track the aurora as I missed it again! Never managed to see one to this day, which is a shame as they as usually quite visible where I am near the Scottish border.

Oh wow, that sucks. You might get lucky again tonight. I haven't looked at the numbers lately. After that I think it falls off again, but this cycle could last for a while, so who knows!

Nice, I'll keep my eyes to the skies in that case!

I missed the lights...

Ah man, that sucks. I am sorry!

Someday I'd like a chance to see the northern lights.

I hope you get the chance!

We are down around latitude 52 degrees and could at least see the aurora via a phone. There may have been too much light to see them with the naked eye. That's the first time I've actually witnessed them. Some phones seem better for this and my wife's Pixel has a mode that does it well.

Yeah I have the pixel and it took some really good shots. I am glad you got to see it!

I envy those who can see it so easily on their doorstep. Not sure if the magnetic storm will be back again and maybe I'll be lucky

I think we still have some chances ahead!

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