Every time Kylee Rottenhouse says "my gun" (which he illegally ubtained via straw-man purchase) I chuckle inside a little bit. Part of the reason is because of these 2A advocates who luv and defend this kid who made a mockery of the right which they hold so dear 😭 😿
Posted via D.Buzz#RottenHouse
Kyle Rittenhouse clearly defended himself from violent rioters. I have watched every second of this trial, and clearly you have not because you are completely ignorant of the facts. He ran from his attackers multiple times, only to be maced by the police when he tried to get help and turn himself in. Its absolute tragedy for everyone involved, so you should keep your slanderous mouth shut about it unless you are prepared to discuss matter of fact information that has been disclosed in the court of law.
This shouldn't be political.
a) misinformed about the case
b) don't understand the law
c) a very malicious person If you genuinely believe #KyleRittenhouse is guilty of any homicidal crime you are either
I dont come here for politics and its absolute bull!$@ that this post would be allowed on here, it should be deleted asap imo but I am open for the debate with anyone who objectively believes otherwise. I assumed the discussion should remain on NFT's and Spinterlands and I have respected that here and found this place as an escape from such things.
Easy there, bud. We can discuss politics here. This is the best place to talk politics because we can have a free exchange of ideas. This is hive. Users choose what is "allowed" on their own accord,on an individual basis.
As a side note. Hive supports blogging and vlogging communities of all kinds from politics to poetry. Check it out.
@Fixxer thanks for not eating this guy alive, they may think you went hard on him but I know for a fact this is light in comparison to your ability.
How did he make a mockery of it though?
Posted via D.Buzz
Also, if the purchase really happened the way they described it in court, it wasn't a straw purchase.
Posted via D.Buzz
What's your definition of a straw purchase.. .. In your opinion do you need to be at a gun show or something?
He made a mockery of the 2A because of how stupidly he walked around with an AR that he admittedly did not know wither it was chambered or not. Among other common knowledge violations.
He asked for the gun to be bought for him because "there wasn't much of a selection, and he thot it looked cool"
Knows NOTHING about the 2nd amendment or firearms in general.
You are lying. He knew the rifle was loaded and chambered (charged) it never malfunctioned.
You have Gaige Grosskruetz confused with Kyle, which you could only have done intentionally to confuse people. Gaige was the medic with an expired Concealed Carry permit; which carried a Glock 27 in the small of his back. He had a felon expunged recently which allowed him to own a gun, but not to carry concealed. Gaige TESTIFIED that he did not know he had a round chambered. However when the gun was peeled from his bleeding arm, the guy cleared chamber/dumped the mag and there was indeed a round in it. This is the gun that Gaige also admitted that he put to Kyles head with the intention to kill him after faking a surrender.
Kyle open carried an ar15. Completely different people, completely different weapon. Under Wisconsin state law he is permitted to open carry a long barrel rifle at 17. Here is the law:

You really shouldn't post lies like this, it makes you look very bad, I can prove every single thing I post, while you are just making shit up and its terrible thing to lie about.
A straw purchase would have been Kyle paying Dominic for the rifle and Dominic transferring ownership of the rifle to Kyle after the purchase. That didn't happen according to them.
He might make a mockery of safe gun practices but not the 2A. 2A doesn't concern gun safety.
Posted via D.Buzz
He maintained control of the weapon and eliminated any threats to remove that control from him without harming any innocent people. Each person who was shot was attacking him with either a hand on his barrel or a firearm. His rifle never malfunctioned and he only missed 'Jump kick man' (an attacker that has never come forward or been found), Kyle face was being stomped into the pavement with big steal toe boots while shooting at "jump kick man". This is all clearly visable on the videos that are widely available. He shouldn't be on trial, and this should not be a debate.
I am familiar with the facts of the case. I agree that he is innocent. However the way you just characterized it is a little inaccurate. He was kicked in the face, but wasn't being stomped. Actually, he was kicked in the arm too.
I dont believe its inaccurate to say Stomped VS Kicked, the pavement would be the only thing to comfort the other side of his head. He was not checked for any brain injury like a concussion. Upon surrendering to Antioch police he waited 45 minutes with no hospital care or evaluation. (he couldn't surrender in Kenosha because poorly trained and scared officers refused to listen to him and pepper sprayed him). He had symptoms consistent with a concussion, dizziness, vomiting, and confusion; granted he was experiencing an incredible amount of stress. Jump kick man got a couple good stomps (or kicks) in before dodging a couple shots Kyle fired off while he feared for his life. He was kicked in the arm too; but what did surprise me is that he was hit by the skateboard, TWICE. The first time Huber hit him with it, its obstructed, but you can see the board go flying after the first hit when Huber picks it up again and goes in for the kill.
I have been on my best behavior in this community because I noticed how it is less toxic than other platforms and I actually like the people here. I can be a very toxic person if you squeeze it out of me. You are squeezing. Take this type of post back to Facebook where it belongs please. This post has absolutely no relativity to anything HIVE or blockchain related (not saying that it has to). I think your only reason for posting it was to get a rise out of people. You got a rise out of me. I used to think highly about you until I seen this post. This was an effort to troll a community that I happen to enjoy and I will defend the ability to keep it enjoyable. Next time I will be down voting BS like this. Have yourself a good day.
Umm y'all obviously haven't been around very long. Not sure which "community" you're talking about, but hive encompasses many communities. D.buzz is just a community focused on microblogging...like on any subject. Hive is open to all communication.
This should be ok to post then.
It is. Each of us has the ability to react how we see fit.