Coinbase To Float Around 115 Million Shares in Nasdaq Listing
Posted via D.Buzz
Coinbase To Float Around 115 Million Shares in Nasdaq Listing
Posted via D.Buzz
Hmm, still no date or price though huh? That is what I am really interested in. All of the other stuff just feels like talking without really having anything new to say! They just like to hear themselves!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think part of it is to build up hype too. Still we know it will probably be a direct listing and how many shares will be issued. We're moving forward. I'm still not sure if I'm going to jump right in though.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think a lot of it for me will depend on the price. That seems to always be what it comes down to!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
115M shares means that there can be as many as 115M different investors, right? It's mind blowing that they got $300M+ in profit!!
Posted via D.Buzz
Coinbase fees are somewhat high in the app. Coinbase pro is slightly better. Overall, the skimming in the Coinbase app makes it profitable for the shareholders - but not good in the long term as competitors can offer more transparency.
You can test my word by trying to buy at market price through their app - they give you crypto priced higher than true market price. Seems ok on Coinbase Pro (haven't validated personally yet), but at least fees are reduced.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One last note: though it may not seem it, Coinbase IPO may be inextricably linked to SEC ruling on XRP. The risk is there that some further regulations, taxation, limits set on cryptocurrency trading through Biden administration may cause a bearish environment on any crypto funds traded and Coinbase's debut.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta