BTC is $68,396.93. In the last 24 hours, BTC has reached the threshold of ...

in DBuzz10 months ago

... $68,396.93. What do we do? Do we sell or hold?
chart source:

Posted via D.Buzz


I think we should hold
The halving will still make the price increase so let us HODL

Basically I think the same as you, but above all because I'm not a trader and I wouldn't know exactly what level it could then go down to and then buy again.

Manteniamo , la mia opinione , non sia ancora quella di vendere

Allora manteniamo e aspettiamo… tanto se ritiriamo adesso non cambiamo la nostra vita

BTC is really performing quite well and this will increase massively

After this post Bitcoin surpassed $70,000 and then fell

Posted via D.Buzz

In my imagination, I'm seeing Bitcoin hitting $100k. Holding is a risky display of wisdom

I also see $100,000 as a target, perhaps BTC will reach this figure in 2 or 3 years, but we will know how to wait. Thanks for stopping by

We will not be far from hitting $80k soon. Very soon

I see that you are very convinced and the Bitcoin graph proves you right. Are you an experienced trader or do you have a strong feeling that this could happen? I believe that before 2030 BTC will reach $100,000

È stato respinto nel tetto dei 70k diverse volte.... stiamo a vedere

Oggi 17 Marzo vale 66,400.00 $

Posted via D.Buzz