Listen here: you're an eternal being with a unique perspective! Use it to improv ...

in DBuzz5 years ago

Listen here: you're an eternal being with a unique perspective! Use it to improve your surroundings! Everything starts from within.


As #within, so #without . .

And we experience our perceptions, NOT reality 👍

I just had a conversation about exactly that yesterday. So true. Reality is way beyond what we can perceive. Just the light spectrum alone is such a tiny part of the electro-magnetic wavelength. And all the stars and constellations tell the myths and religions from all around the world, like a personal psychology lesson. Finding god within, not in the exterior. As above, so below.

I am trying these days to leave everyone I meet in a better state than before. That is not easy and I have to constantly watch myself, my reactions and my words. So hard and I often fail. But I keep on trying!

Everyone fails - it's the only way we grow! It's great to hear your perspective! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful day!