It is a catchy name. In 'Nederish' we've got a word 'tokkelen'. Used as in plucking the strings of a guitar with fingers. That way Tokel became like a catchy tune for me.
On the offside, 'House of the risings suns' by the Animals was the first song I learned to Tokel.
As a bonus, here's another Vampira Noir to feast your eyes on. She wont make it into the NFT series though, not spicy enough.
It is a catchy name. In 'Nederish' we've got a word 'tokkelen'. Used as in plucking the strings of a guitar with fingers. That way Tokel became like a catchy tune for me.
On the offside, 'House of the risings suns' by the Animals was the first song I learned to Tokel.
As a bonus, here's another Vampira Noir to feast your eyes on. She wont make it into the NFT series though, not spicy enough.
I am rubbish at tokkelen. Its something I keep meaning to practice.
She is spicy! Spicy as hecky! :O)