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RE: They say do what you enjoy. Sometimes, it's not always easy to figure ...

in DBuzz3 years ago

Devoting our life to what we're passionate about sounds good in theory, but may not be productive. How many people are passionate about sports, but they still lack coordination or smarts to succeed?

So next is to devote our lives to where we spend most of our time while also being productive. If we enjoy making WordPress themes in our free time (just as an example), maybe that's where we need to devote more time to make it a more productive pursuit. Those bills on't pay themselves, and Twinkies are getting more expensive by the day.



I agree, in general. I think people can take comfort too far. I'm just in a bit of a rut and not really enjoying much of anything in general, so when I find things I do enjoy, I try to do them as much as possible.


Posted via D.Buzz

You've had a lot going on. Once you establish a new routine, you'll see how you're spending your time and see how productive it is. After that, you'll adjust accordingly.