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RE: The forecast shows a very cold wave heading across the U.S. next week. I'm ...

in DBuzz2 months ago

I saw the forecast for us, too (on the gulf in Texas), and we're heading for a freeze. I think we brought the freezing temperatures with us as this will be our third winter here and we've had a freeze each year (the previous two we had broken pipes). So, let's hope no broken pipes this year.

So you know, it is unusual for them to have a freeze, so that's why us moving down here seems to be the problem (LOL).

By the way, my son made a homemade tomato soup yesterday!


my son made a homemade tomato soup yesterday!

I've never figured out the whole tomato soup thing. My sister and nephew are fans. I'm not sure if it's just not my style or if I haven't eaten what would be considered good tomato soup. How does your son make his tomato soup?

He roasts everything in the oven (tomatoes, red peppers, onion, garlic, etc.) then puts it all in a blender with salt. He'll add cream sometimes to make it creamier.

Here are a few things people like in or with tomato soup that may help: popcorn, tortilla chips, fried bread (like grilled cheese, but just buttered bread grilled on both sides) or grilled cheese, croutons.

If I use Campbell's soup from a can, I'll use milk instead of water - much better, but still not as good as homemade.

I never knew how to make tomato soup from scratch. Now I do! Many thanks. :-)